Two Steps Forward, One Step Back[wards]

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-the sounds of nearby footsteps seemingly made by a group of five echo from the darkness then a boy, almost old enough to be a man, with short and spikey, tar-like hair that blows about in the weak winds steps out, His eyes a sparkling caramel, emblazoned on his cheeks a shallow sideways lightning bolt shaped scar and his skin a deep tropical olive.

-beside him a boy around the same age with hair like a pile of mid-autumn leaves and skin that looks to have been never once touched by the sun as well as dark brown eyes.

-the third a boy about half a year younger with hair that reaches half way down his neck with a distinctive regal purple colour and skin like the second as well as eyes that share their colour with his hair.

-penultimately a boy of 16 with lemon juice coloured hair with almost milk-like skin and eyes that sparkle with more depth than the oceans.

-finally a girl of 9 with hair, skin and eyes like the person in front of her with plump cheeks but slender and long limbs.

-"well guys I think we arrived in shalour city" said the boy with hair like a bed of raven feathers.

-"I agree ash, I think your right" said the plum haired teen.

-"in that case lets go se-" spoke ash before finishing his collision course and being knocked to the ground.

-"oh it seems like we didn't see each other coming" said the girl who ash collided with.

-"oh, yeah, sorry about that" said ash in a semi-meekly tone.

- "well yeah, so am I, I guess we should introduce ourselves huh?" said the girl with eyes of sapphires and hair like honey silk tied up in a ponytail.

-"yeah, I'm ash, and you are?" said ash.

-"oh, well I'm Serena, nice to meet you" said the 15 year old girl.

Hello guys, Sorry for the shorter chapter but I couldn't think of anything except Serena's introduction so I'm making this chapter a way to Introduce her so I could get that out of the way and do other things and the next 2 chapters will be set in shalour city and I will try and make sure those two chapters are good also shout out to WaterLemon999 who has an amazing story on gay ash shipping one shots and they are quite good so I commend you to take a look anyways bye for now.

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