Cyllage City Gym Battle! Part 2

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So I am this story's writer, editer and publisher, hexlermino or hexlerminojames and before any of you go forward i want to say that this story has lgbt relationships between some of the main characters so if that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable then please turn away now and this story also has mildly mature themes include mild swearing, dark themes and/or gratuitous violence which may cause you or someone around you to feel uncomfortable, unhappy and/or depressed then i advise you to turn back now. however if you are fine with that then go ahead if you.



ash's POV

grant: "now steelix, use iron tail!"

me: "meowstic, dodge!"

meowstic tried to dodge the tail in an iron-like coat and was hit, knocking meowstic out instantly and causing grant's mega-steelix to grunt in happiness.

me: "meowstc return!, Go Pikachu!"

the electric mouse pokemon burst out of his pokeball like lighting bolt out of a thunder cloud and preparing itself to face it's gigantic mega evolved opponent.

grant: "steelix, use rock tomb!"

me: "Pikachu dodge!"

steelix summoned a hailstorm of giant boulders at the centre of the battlefield which Pikachu barely dodged.

grant: "its time for the real battle to begin!"

me: "then lets go!"

two weeks later

"so how long until we get to reflection cave?" asked an auburn haired man that looked about 17 years old and was tired, he was accompanied by 4 others, one a purple haired man that looked about as old at 17 years, the second a raven haired man who looked to be 18 though only due to his more mature expression, third was a blond haired teen who also looked tired and was wearing glasses and finally a female blond preteen/young teen who was the shortest of all of them and had dedenne in her arms.

"just up ahead!" said the shorter blond haired girl to the other 4.

"I think I can see it now, its about 1.5 miles ahead of us" said the purple haired man to the tired auburn haired man to his left.

"well then, lets up the pace!" said the raven haired man who looked to be the oldest of the group.

and finally for the adventures to be continued... soon.

so I hope you guys like this one and yes I know its really late, but that's because I couldn't finish the battle and decided to time skip before the end of the fight and yes ash won so I a going to be going on hiatus for a while to hopefully improve my writing style and to allow myself to plan out more of this story arc out like korrina's team or reflection cave for examples because I have no idea how to continue this story as of now anyways I hope you are able to wait for the next chapter for a while.

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