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Rachel's POV:

Heartbroken. Tears running down my face like a lake has been formed. I locked myself in my room banished from the human species. Why would she do that to me? I loved her.. After everything why would she cheat on me... and with Eliot..

Knock! Knock!

"Leave me alone" I scream to the other side of my door

"Rachel honey? It's me are you okay?" Mum says calmly through the door

"I said leave me alone!!!" I scream again through the door, sitting on my bed and my voice cracking between words.

I hear the door open and I burry myself in the safety of my bed.

"What happened?" Mum asked

"S-S-She cheated" I say breaking slowly in the comfort of my bed and pillow, my face buried in it.

"Oh dear.. That's awful why would she do that!?" Mum asked worried

"I-I don't know.. She kissed Eliot.. I ran off.." I say trying to breathe.

"Maybe you should talk to her?" Mum suggests

"I dont wanna be more hurt.. and I need to be alone right now.." I reply

"Okay dear.. Come down when your ready okay?" Mum says getting up and walking to the door.

"Okay mum.. bye.." I say sighing as more tears roll down my cheeks.

She closes the door and I'm alone. Again. I break down in tears. Why? Why would she do this? I loved her.. We've only just been together and she's already cheated!? This is the worst.. Why would she do this to me...

Chloe's POV:

Shit shit shit!!!!! FUCK. I punch Eliot around the face and he falls to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE!?" I scream at him. He just chuckles like it's some joke.

"You think this is funny huh? You think it's funny that I just lost the one person who gave two shits about me!?" I say kicking him multiple times making sure its with all my strength. I lower myself to get a better angle and repeatedly punch him. I see blood pouring from his nose and face. Maybe I over did it? Nah. He deserves this.

"STOP!!!!" He screams in pain but I keep going. 

"PLEASE!!!" He screams again. Finally, I stop and he pants.

"I-I-I'm sorry Ch-" He starts saying but I cut him off.

"SHUT IT. YOU'RE NOT SORRY. YOU'RE A PEICE OF SHIT NEVER GO ANYWHERE NEAR ME AGAIN SAVE YOUR FUCKING APOLOGY FOR WHEN YOU DIE." I scream at him. I kick him one last time and run off hoping to find Rachel. Where would she be..?

Rachel's POV: (Again I know shut up.)

I can't stay here..

I grab my stuff like clothes and hair brush, the usual and start making my way down the stairs. 

"Mum I'm going out" I say sniffing

"Where are you going?" She asks

"Out. Chloe and I have a secret hide out I'm gonna hang there" I say sniffing I bit more.

"Okay, be back by 10:00pm!!!" She says and throws a box of tissues for me and I catch it.

"Thanks mom" I say smiling still sniffing. 

I walk out the door and make my way to the Junkyard, the only place I actually feel happy. Chloe and I have so many memories there it's the only place I feel happy. So many memories. The first time I saw the Junkyard after Firewalk, when I kissed her cheek after seeing it, Me sleeping with her in the Junkyard, When I was there for her when she saw her dads car, When we had our first kissed together, when we started dating and when we went home and messed around playing Chubby Bunny. Tears stream down my face remembering everything I've been through with this one girl. This one girl has changed my life, my thoughts, my feelings and my everything- she is my everything. I love her but-.. she's gone.. she cheated......

Chloe's POV:

I run as fast as I can up many streets. Maybe she's at her house?? I run and run for what feels like years. I'm so unfit holy shit. I really need to workout more. Or even go out for that matter. I run past houses after houses till I get to the DA's house. I bolt to the door and knock on it as calmly as possible (which ends up being very violent and sounding like someone wants to break in). 

After a few seconds the door opens, revealing Rachel's mom (Rose) on the other side. 

"H-Hey is Rachel home?" I asked worried starting to cry .

"No she isn't. You shouldn't be here." She says defensively.

"D-Do you know what happened or where she would be? P-Please Mrs Amber I need to speak to her!" I ask crying a little bit more.

"It's Rose. I know exactly what happened and I know she wants to be alone. Why don't you come back tomorrow?" She replies frowning. Shit. I really fucked up.

"No I can't- Do you know where she went?" I ask worried. Rose sighs. 

"She said she was going to your guys' secret hangout? I don't know what that means." She tells me. The junkyard!? Of course she would be there I'm such an idiot that's where we always go when we want each other or need to be alone but end up being together anyways. I face palm myself, ashamed of my dumbness.

"Of course!!! Thank you Mrs- Rose!" I say sniffing wiping the tears away. I start running away when I hear Rose behind me.

"Chloe!!" She shouts for me. I turn around swiftly not wanting to waste any time.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Bring her back safely and don't hurt her again, please? She's been through enough and I can tell whatever happened wasn't your fault I can tell by the look in your face. I can tell you love her." She tells me smiling.

"I will don't worry." I tell her running away quickly. I have to get to her. I have to help her.

I'm coming Rachel.

Hey guys! I'm alive! And so is this chapter! Sorry for the delay of chapter but I hope you like this one! Comment your opinions on it please it helps me write better stuff you guys will enjoy! Will Rachel and Chloe get back together!? Wait until Thursday (ish) to find out!!!!!

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