The Before World

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How you meet them:

Jason Voorhees

Your Perspective.

As I ride in the bus to the camp I sigh, sketching trees and the scenery...

I'm not happy.

I was sent here by my parents, this being my...what? Third camp in about a few years, the camp I went to in the years before was shut down due to illegal activities, a cult,

I'm pretty sure murder, or attempted murder...

The only good thing was councilors Max and Neil, neither of whom cared much about their jobs, and only were there due too...their...personal attachment to the camp.

However little they had.

The only reason I was excited to go to this camp 3 months ago was due to my rock collection that has since then been shattered by him.

His name is...

Abbott Q. Smith.

The reason being...we used to be friends, but, that's what I get for trying to tell him off for being an ignorant jerk-wad.

Key word: Trying.

He tried forcing a girl to date him, and...he threatened the poor girl by saying he'd tell everyone she's lesbian, and we are now going into the 5th Grade...(you are 9 3/4, being relatively similiar to Jason's 11.)

And he's dating her.

I wrote a teacher that this happened, but they scoffed and said, "Serves her right, for being a lesbian! God will straighten her out."

This...scares me.

He used to be my "friend" but we never really...


"Eh, kid, your stop?"

The bus driver asked, confused as too why I haven't talked the entire hour and a half trip, and I nodded at him, getting my suitcase and small carry-on off the bus.

I payed my bus fare and stepped slowly off the bus, breathing in the piny scent and looking over the New Jersey plant life.

After my crystals were shattered, I have stayed quiet, often slipping into the shadows as quickly as humanly possible to avoid interaction with anyone else.

After leaving the Maple country that was my home for all of my years of living I'm here.

And its hot.

I carefully fall in line with the others staring at...

My mask.

Being a chosen mute had its perks, but this...

Eh, not a big deal...

I always did love hockey!

Even used to play before I became mute.

Cardiac Arrest (Various Slasher's x Male! Undead-ish! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now