Pumped Up Kicks

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Whilst walking to school, more disasters happen. A car crash, the release of another straight to DVD sequel of some wash up movie by a cartoon company, and many others lead you to your very own Final Destination: The School.

Now, The School was a pretty normal place, with cookie-cutter bushes, perfectly unevenly cut grass, and some caution tape covering the entrance. A news caster reports on the scene, "Supposedly, this lady, Diane (L/N) died after taking a overdose of prescription meds with her partner, Sammy Rodriguez, and jumping from the highest floor of this building. We have not heard from (M/N) (L/N), the name on one of the bottles investigator Joseph Warren found, about this death. The school will be shutting down as of the recent influx in deaths as of late. This has been Nicole Rivers, Local 58 News."

So, he ran away.

Naturally, he was shocked by the news, and the fact that he'd be shuffled around again pissed him off. He had known for a while now that his cousin and her partner were stoners, but mostly on the down low as they were in college and that could have ruined their reputation.

Which would suck ass.

The depressing thing is, you actually could not have stayed here, as as you are only in high school and you can't own a place all on your lonesome. You are alone, you remember, no place is forever. You have to remember, you'll hardly ever stay in place more than a year.

So...again with the shuffle.

Who would it be this time? Your Aunt Gordon? Your Uncle Andy? No, no, they wouldn't do...uncle Andy has a drinking problem, and he hates kids.

Then what about Aunt Gordon? No, no, she's too uptight, no leniency. You didn't get to decide, anyway...time did. And the next time you die, you'll find out.

That's what I dictate, anyway.

Naturally, this is a bizarre scenario, you think. The voice in your head talking back to you?

You must hate all this teasing, eh?

Anyways, this time, you'll be filtered into the foster system.

Unless you found another of your soulmates.

It is a quite painful thing once too many red strings build up on a person. Both your wrists, your neck, and your waist are tied with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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Cardiac Arrest (Various Slasher's x Male! Undead-ish! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now