The Moments Before Your Death

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3rd person POV

(Jason Voorhees, if you had forgotten)

(Several weeks later)

Little did the poor, unfortunate children know of the horrors that awaited them.

Or the fact that, within a few short days, they would both be dead.

(M/N) smiled at Jason, squeezing each other's hand as they walked into the cabin.

Ms. Voorhees turned the lights off.

And that's when they broke in.

They grabbed (M/N)'s now awake body, he tried screaming, but his screams were only muffled by the hand covering (M/N)'s mouth.

Jason wakes up.

He stumbles out of bed and tries to tackle the guy , but ends up knocked out on the floor.

(M/N) tries to flail and escape, but he fails to escape.

They run through the forest and...

They finally stop.

They toss (M/N)'s body onto the ground, bruising his (S/C) skin.

The leader of the group you recognize to be one of Jason's bullies.


"Because we don't like freaks."

"We are creating a better world, a world without the both of you in it, we've taken care of others. All except you and that Jason kid..."

They drag you body to a low hanging tree.

There's knot tying noises, and all (M/N) could think was two things,

1. How has one of these idiots figured out how to tie knots...?

And 2...

Who do they think (M/N) is?!


"Shut up, you Canadian idiot. Boys, continue tying."

"Wait until m-my uncle-"

He was cut off by a gun stuck in his mouth.

"Listen here, you scream, you die quicker."

The man turns around, hissing at his lackeys to hurry up.

Young (M/N) struggled with his restraints, and it was noticed by the leader.

"Restrain him better, we can't have him more injured than he is already! The sacrifice has to be perfect, you fools!"

The lackeys nodded, seemingly absentmindedly and without much emotion.

One of the lackeys measured (M/N)'s neck.

(M/N) tilted his head, was this some of that freaky cult crap his uncle and cousins and family were into?

No, no, of course not.

Not the same group at least.

They wove a rope the size of (M/N)'s neck.

This can't be good.

(3 Years Later)

(Freddy Kruger)

Your Perspective:


(6 years later)

(your pov)

Life hasn't been treating me kindly as I walk into the operation room.

I lay down, and all I say before I go under is, "Please let me be ok."

Cardiac Arrest (Various Slasher's x Male! Undead-ish! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now