Meeting Them.

399 13 0

You click your flashlight on and sigh, because man, its dark in here.

You walk down the corridor, shining your light through the lasting night, you walk through this bloody floor with a odd question...

What are those footsteps behind you?

Slightly annoyed, you rearrange your prosthetic(?) and point the flashlight behind you, continuing to walk through the sticky red substance on the ground, and you crack your neck.

"I am aware of your presence...tell me your cell number and letter, and your name."

"I uh...I w-work here? You're the transfer, r-right? Great, Great! Uh...I'm Scott, Scott Asther, you can call me P.G. I uh...I'm here to work you through your first week, show you around and stuff..."

"Oh, I am sorry, P.G. I thought you were a escapee."

"R-right, well...the first sector we will be investigating is the Paranormals, E.T sector. Now, I'm gonna have to ask you to uh...take the mask-"


"Can it off?"

"I'd rather not, its for medical reasons."

P.G mumbles slightly about how familiar that mask is and how uncomfortable it makes you.

"You could wear a mask, they are very light, some of them."

"I-I-I have one, I usually only use it for...for my dayshift job at a pizza place..."

"I'd like to see it, some time. But currently we have work and I'd prefer to learn a whole bunch in the first nights, so I can be alone with my thoughts."

P.G nods and stumbles to a door with the letters 'E.T' carved into its metal surface.

"Before we enter, this place contains aliens, demons, uh...angered ghosts and...stuff."



"E.T stands for 'Extra Terrestrial', I watched the movie." 

"R-Right...'movie'...Anyways, be very careful...they are dangerous."


"I-I'm serious!"

"Hm...yeah, lets go."

They walked in, quickly locking the door behind them.

"Oh, uh...g-g-good evening, g-g-gentlemen!"

 There is a roar of disapproval, then confusion at the arrival of you.

"This is...uh..."

"(M/N), (M/N) (L/N)."

"Y-Yeah! T-That, and the transfer from the other branch."

All of the E.T's stared hungrily at you, hooting and hollering.

"I'm not as shy as P.G. And I'm not easily frightened. So, best shut your hiss holes and wait until your names are called, OK?"

There is a resounding whimper from the aliens as they shut quickly up.

"Oh...oh w-wow...uh..."

He starts rattling off names of the aliens as they chirp their presence.

Eventually, they finish, walking to the second sector.

"I think you get the idea by now...I'll let you cover those...I've gotta...look over someone. Bye!"

You sigh as the coward stumbles off, and unlock the door, slowly shutting it.

Theres a whole lot of confused voices, 

"Who the h-"

"What the f-"


You roll your eyes.

"Could you all shut-"

You make eye contact with 4 guys.

Your cousin and your former crushes.

Then you black out.

Cardiac Arrest (Various Slasher's x Male! Undead-ish! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن