Middle Ground

532 17 0

Jason Voorees.

Life is great!

Today, I get to talk to Jason and hang out with him.

I accidentally make a noise, more of a chirp of happiness.

"What was that, (Y/N)? Are you excited to go hiking?"

I nod at Mrs. Voorhees happily and smile at Jason.

"Now remember kids, buddy system! Hold Jason's left hand, (Y/N), Jason, hold (Y/N)'s right and I'll hold your right."

I blushed as I held onto Jason's hand, smiling at him, but it wasn't visible.

We started walking down a path, and...

"Hey, look, the freak got a little buddy. He's probably messed up just like the freak! Look at that stupid mask!"

Jason makes what sounds like a whimper of pain.

Now the bullies are talking to me and about me.

I point to fingers to my eye-holes and point them to their eyes.

They laugh.

At me.

I growl at them.

"N-Now listen here, kids, let's take a different route!"

Mrs. Voorhees leads us away from the laughing bullies, I frown.

"It is going to be okay, you two. Lets hike further from them."

I write something down on my notebook and hand it to Mrs. Voorhees, as I was starting to like her.

"'Hockey'? We have table hockey, I think, but not on the ice. You must really like hockey, huh, (Y/N)?"

I nod and smile.

I feel Jason squeeze my hand.

I look at him in the eyes and he smiles, pointing to my notebook.

I looked confused.

I write if he wants to write.

He nods.

Then I handed the book too him.

He scribbled something down, sticking the tip of his tongue out his mouth as he handed the book back to me.

I read it, mouthing the words.

I smiled when I read it.

Then we hugged.

He's so warm!

I chirp happily as he huffs a bit.

"Aw...you both are so cute! May I see the note, (Y/N)?"

I handed it politely to her.

Cardiac Arrest (Various Slasher's x Male! Undead-ish! ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon