He found it

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Betty's p.o.v
I was sitting in the living room drinking some water when I heard a knock on the door. I went over to the door and opened it. To my surprise I saw Jug standing there in the rain with a look of anger and concern. "Jug come in" I said gesturing for him to come in. He made his way inside. "Jug what's wrong you seem mad" I said concerned. I sat down on the couch and he stood in front of me. "When you left this morning you forgot some of your books, I wasn't snooping but it just fell out" he said annoyed. "What did" I asked. "Your letter" he said holding it out in his hand. I stood up and grabbed it out of his hand with tears in my eyes. "Betty is this true" he said looking at me with anger in his eyes. By this point tears were running down my cheeks.

Jughead's p.o.v
Tears were running down her cheeks. I felt bad and I wanted to comfort her but I had to get the truth. "Is this true" I asked. She looked at the ground and didn't say anything. "Are you..." I asked with a tone of anger. She looked up at me. I could see how ashamed she felt. She nodded. I was in so much shock. "I'm sorry Jug I wanted to tell you, I wanted to give you the letter" she said but I cut her off. "So why didn't you" I yelled. "Because after our fight I didn't know what to think I didn't think you would want to be apart of this, raising a child" she said as she cried even more. I felt like I needed to comfort her but I was so mad at her for keeping this from me. "You know what" I said annoyed and angry at this point. "Jug please" she said in tears and it broke my heart. "I'm done don't call me" I said storming out the door. I slammed the door on the way out.

Betty's p.o.v
As he slammed the door behind him I fell to the ground and balled my eyes out. That's the most I have ever cried in my life. I didn't even pay attention to when Polly came down the stairs and hugged me. We sat there on the floor for a hole hour. Until I went to my room. I was sitting in my room writing in my diary when I got a call I picked up to hear a mans voice on the other line. "Are you Betty Cooper" the man said. "Yes" I said but I could feel that something was wrong. "I'm afraid you will have to come to the hospital for Jughead Jones you are his only emergency contact" the man said. "What happened" I quickly asked. The man on the other line hung up.

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