Attack part 2

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Jughead's p.o.v
They pushed me to the ground and I watched as they took the love of my life. I could hear her scream and I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

Betty's p.o.v
Everything suddenly went black. Moments later I woke up in a dark and cold room. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was tied to a chair. Suddenly I saw penny walk in white another gouli behind her. "Don't stress, it's not good for the baby" she said smirking at me.

"Wait, how did you know I was pregnant?" I asked terrified and confused. "I have my ways" she said bending down to my level. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want that baby that's inside of you" she said putting her finger on my stomach.

I go mad and kicked at her. Lucky for me my legs weren't tied up so I kicked heh in the shin. She scoffed at me and stood up. She then raised her hand and slapped me. She then turned around and walked out the door with the gouli following behind her.

Soon it became night and I sat there hungry and cold. The door opened and I assumed that it was penny, because it was so dark I couldn't see anything. The person walked towards me until I felt them cup my face in their hands. "Jug," I said feeling the familiar touch. He then spoke. "Betts, we're here to get you out of here" he said. I suddenly felt someone uniting my hands. I flinched not knowing that he brought the serpents we then snuck out of there. "Wait are these serpents? I thought you said that they beat you up" I whispered while jug grabbed my hand as we ducked behind a big box. "Yeah, well, these were my friends that I got along with when I joined" he replied.

Jughead's p.o.v
We were so close to the gate until I heard penny's voice. "Did you think it'd be that easy. "Betty run, fangs you make sure she's safe" I said as they ran to the gate. Penny came running at me trying to beat me up. She punched and kicked at me and i did the same to her. There were more goulis coming towards us. Get back to the bikes. I yelled to the other serpents. Seeing there was to many of them.

We ran back over to the gate and fangs was holding it open for us. Before anyone behind us could get to the gate he closed it on then and Betty put something small on it so it would keep them in. We rushed over to the bikes and took off.

Betty's p.o.v
When we got to my house jug laid me in my bed. "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked as I cuddled in his arms. "I'm really hungry" I said. "Ok, I'll go to get you some food" he said before he kissed me and got out of the bed. As he headed downstairs I count stop thinking how far penny would go to get the baby.

Moments after jug came up the stairs with some food. I sat up and started to eat as Jug crawled into bed. After I finished my food. I cuddled into his arms. "What's wrong? I can tell when something's bothering you" he said as I looked up at him. "It's penny; she said she wanted the baby" I said. "Knowing penny she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. He said.

"I was thinking the best option is to move far away from Riverdale" I said. "Where do you have in mind?" He asked me, holding me closer. "Somewhere far" I said putting a hand on my stomach. How about new York?" He asked. That sounds perfect" I said nuzzling into his chest we soon fell into a deep sleep.

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