Where will we go?!

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Hey guys I just wanted to let you know
That I'm changing the story to make it so
Betty lives alone without her mom or Polly
Either than that I hope you have enjoyed this
story so far and hope you enjoy this next chapter!
Love you all 😘

5 months pregnant
Betty's p.o.v
The next morning I woke up to find an empty bed. Where could he have gone? I go out of bed and headed downstairs to see Jug in the kitchen shirtless. The smell of fresh pancakes filled the air. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I made my way over to him and put my arms around his waist. I could feel when he flinched. "Morning beautiful" he said turning around to face me. "Morning" I replied before he leaned into me and gave me a small peck. He then went back to flipping the pancakes. "Those look good" I said. "Not as good as you" he added. I smirked at him before we both leaned in until our lips were touching. We shared a seer short kiss. As he turned off the stove and we made our way over to the table. I sat down at he put the big plate of pancakes down in the middle of the table. He picked up two big pancakes and placed them in the plate in front of me. I soon realized that we forgot the toppings. I got up and made my way over to the kitchen. "Hey, Jug what do you want on your pancakes?" I asked, opening the fridge. "Sit down I've got it" he said getting up and making his way over to me. I sighed and sat back down at the table. "What do you want?" He asked. "Can you get the whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips and the cherries. As soon as he got everything he placed it on the table and sat back down.

Juggheads p.o.v
Soon after we finished eating i helped Betty clean up. Once I had put all the stuff away I saw Betty in the kitchen washing the dishes. I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist and on her bump. She tuned to me and gave me a small peck then quickly turned away. "Let me do those" I said. "You go upstairs and get dressed and I'll deal with these" I said as she put down the dish she was cleaning and turned to me. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah of corse" I said. "Thanks" she said before giving me a small peck and I headed upstairs.

Betty's p.o.v
I headed upstairs and into my room and got dressed in a short baby blue dress. I headed into the bathroom to do my hair,but when I went into the bathroom I noticed a piece of paper taped to the mirror. I ripped it off the mirror and read what it said. When I finished reading it I put my hand over my mouth and dropped to the ground in fear. After a few minutes I calmed myself down and proceeded to do my hair and makeup. When I was done I headed downstairs to see Jug sitting on the couch with his laptop typing away. I held the paper in my hand as I made my way down the stairs. I went and sat next to him and he closed his laptop and looked at me. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asked looking concerned as he put his arm around me, knowing that was comforting to me. "We need to find somewhere to go as fast as possible" I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and gave him the paper. When he was done reading it he looked up at me. "Where did you find this?" He asked. "In the bathroom taped to the mirror" I replied. "Ok let's go look" he said opening his laptop.

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