Normal day

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Two years later

Betty's p.o.v
I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I looked beside me to see that jug wasn't there. As I got out of the bed I groaned heading into the bathroom to have a shower. When I came out of the bathroom I was dressed in:

I walked down the hall until I reached my daughter Juliets room

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I walked down the hall until I reached my daughter Juliets room

She is two years old turning three in a few months, she is my everything

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She is two years old turning three in a few months, she is my everything. I peaked into her room to see that she was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled to myself as I quietly closed her door. I made my way downstairs into the living room to see no jughead. I walked into the kitchen to see some coffee that was already made sitting on the counter. I poured myself some coffee and headed back into the living room. I looked out the window to see him on the porch with his laptop Typing. A smile forms on my face as I make my way to the front door. I opened the door and I saw him look up at me. "Morning" I said walking out towards him. "Morning beautiful" he said as he closed his laptop and put it on the table right beside him. I went and sat on his lap as he gave me a soft peck on the lips. "You know we can't stay out here long" I said. "And why is that?" he asked looking at me wit heart eyes. "Because Juliets gonna wake up and be wondering where we are she'll have a melt down if she wakes up and can't find us" I said getting worried and rambling on until jug cut me off to calm me down. "Hey, hey, hey your rambling. I know your still scared but they can't find us now we're safe" he said calming me down. "Your right" I said with a sigh. "Let's head inside now shall we?" He asked smiling up at me. "Sure" I said with a smile before giving him a small passionate kiss. I got off his lap as he stood up taking in everything. I held the door open for him as he made his way inside. I followed behind him closing the door behind me. After he put our empty mugs in the washing machine and put his computer away he sat down on the couch. I joined him after a bit. I sat next to him and cuddled up into his chest as he put our favourite show on. Just then I heard little footsteps. I sat up and watched as she made her way down the stairs. She ran into the living room where me and jug were sitting. "Mommy! Daddy!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Morning monkey" jug said trying to climb up between me and jug. "Someone is has a lot of energy today" I said as I helped her onto the couch. She cuddled up into jugs chest as I stroked her hair. "Hey monkey, are you hungry" jug asked Juliet as she looked up at him. "Yep" she replied. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked. "Pancakes!" She excitedly replied. Jug got up and went into the kitchen to start some breakfast as I put on spongebob on for her and we watched it until we heard jug shout from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready" he shouted. Juliet got up and ran into the dinning room as I followed behind her. We sat down at the table as jug came over with all the toppings for the pancakes.

Jughead's p.o.v
"Ok monkey what do you want on your pancake?" I asked her as she sat down. "Everything" she said with a big grin on her face. I chuckled. "Ok, and for you" I asked betty as she sat down. "Just some syrup" she replied. After putting the toppings on I handed them their plait with their pancakes on them. When we were done eating I headed into the kitchen to see Betty cleaning up. "Let me help you" I said putting my hands on her waist. She turned to face me and smiled at me cupping my face. "I love you, and thanks for asking but I can do it" she replied before turning around I took the plate away from her. "Let me me do it, you can go and get Juliet dressed. "Fine" she said before giving me a sweet passionate kiss before going upstairs.

Betty's p.o.v
I headed into the living room where Juliet was. "Come on, it's time to go get dressed. "Oh, but I donwnt wanna" she said. "Juliet" I said sternly. "Ok" she said as she walked passed me up the stairs. I followed behind her up the stairs and got her dressed into:

When I was done getting her dressed and getting her hair done we walked downstairs into the living room

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When I was done getting her dressed and getting her hair done we walked downstairs into the living room. "You guys look beautiful" he said as we came downstairs. "Hey jug?" I asked. "Yeah" he replied. I have to go out and get a few thing, do you want to come?" I asked. "No thanks I think I'll stay home with Juliet" he said. "Ok I'll be back in a little bit" I said heading out the door.
When I got to the store I walked around until I spotted a familiar face. No it can't be...

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