Prologue: The Dawn Of A Hero

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In a world where the sun never rose, where the clock barely moved, where its inhabitants never rested, where humans never belonged, two queens watched from afar as the world crumbled upon their bloody swords and merciless arrows.

There were roars emerging on the lands, from the ground and the skies. If one gazed at the sight, they would deem it harmless. It was a handful of butterflies in a small confrontation, after all.

But if they peaked closely, they would find ruthlessness and merciless fairies with sharp sparkling weapons of all kinds. They collided with each other, leaving behind stains of blood and dust on the ground.

In the midst of war, Queen Elena sat on her throne conceitedly, with a proud serious face. However, you could tell by her jittery demeanor and her concerned eyes that she was losing her sanity. She was moving restlessly, fidgeting with her hands and often getting up to pace. Her large peacock-like wings fluttered lightly behind her.

She was waiting for her fearless protector, Alison, to come over to give her any kind of news.

So where is she?

Elena didn't care whether it was news of victory or defeat. She wanted to know if she was alright. It was an intense war. Queen Elena knew some of her warriors' blood would end up soaked in the mud of the deadly battlefields.

A guard entered the large hall. He bowed upon her, his crystal white butterfly wings closing.

"Your majesty, Sir Andrew is here. He desires to meet you." The guard spoke politely, holding his hands in front of him. His gaze was on the carpet that extended up the staircase to Queen Elena's throne.

"Let him in immediately." She demanded. The guard gave a nod and sprinted outside. A man with full metal armor came in and bowed. She rose. "Andrew," Queen Elena said, "Did you find her?"

"I am sorry, your majesty," Andrew said with a voice full of grief, "Miss Alison is gone."

"Gone? What do you mean 'Gone'?" She asked. He paused, like he was thinking of the proper thing to say and, perhaps, sugarcoat the news. He sighed. He took off his iron helmet and held it under one arm.

"The Guardian of Aneroma was slain by Queen Helen, the Dark Queen of what we call 'The Reign Of the Dark'--" Queen Elena interrupted him.

"I know who she is, for goodness' sake!" Queen Elena snapped. She took a trembling breath to regain her composure. "Forgive me, knight. When? When did it happen?" She asked.

"Last night, in the human world. The Golden Knight witnessed her death. She was impaled in her core." Andrew blurted out. The last thing he wanted was a grieving queen to yell at him. Her slumped shoulders shook. She gripped the arm of her golden throne and flopped down on her throne, her eyes wide. "I.. am sorry for your loss, your majesty."

"You are excused, Andrew." Andrew hesitated.

"The heart, your majesty." He raised his hand, which held a golden heart-shaped pendant. Queen Elena nodded and extended her hand. With his head hanging down, he flew to her with his wings. He handed her the pendant and flew out of the hall.

Queen Elena could only stare at the pendant and shed a single tear as she thought of who used to wear it. She brushed her finger against the gold pendant. Cracks spread around the necklace, like it was a blow away from shattering. They emitted a soft ocean blue glow at her gentle touch.

Alison was her friend and her protector. She went through the impossible to keep this world safe. Even when she didn't approve of her because of her irrationality, she worked hard to prove herself and she did. She was the best Guardian that had dawned on Aneroma in decades.

Queen Elena wanted to abandon the pendant so she could move on, like she had always had, but she couldn't let go of it. She wanted to torture herself with guilt and sorrow.

I deserve it, she thought, I shouldn't have let her go on this fatal mission.

What are you saying, Elena?, a voice scolded her in her head, She is the Guardian. She is the first person who should run in the face of danger to protect this realm. This is out of your power.

She wiped her stray tears with her thumb silently. She kept the pendant on her lap and she covered her face with her quivering hands. She gave the guards a glance, who were standing quietly to protect the queen. She could've asked for a handkerchief, but she didn't, afraid to sacrifice her dignity.

After she regained her composure, she stood up, brushing the skirt of her dress. She tucked a strand of her navy blue hair behind her ear and she kept a hard face. She adjusted her tiara on her hair.

She walked elegantly out of her throne room. The people running and attending to their affairs formed two lines beside the queen and bowed in respect. Queen Elena didn't give them a glance. She walked to the balcony which led directly to the inhabitants of North Aneroma— The part she ruled.

She gave a small gesture to a few guards. They made a signal with their ice powers, like a glowing snowflake. An orchestra team gathered next to the balcony on both sides. They started to play a loud tune with their trumpets, gathering all civilians, knights, guards, servants, and merchants to stand under the grand veranda and listen intently to the new announcement. Queen Elena could hear the cacophony of curious comments and murmurs. She inhaled.

"Tonight-" She paused. She continued after she swallowed the lump in her throat: "Tonight.. Our selfless protector, Our Guardian, was slain by Queen Helen." The crowd emitted various sounds, including gasps, questions and shouts for justice. She raised her hand to show her palm to the people. They went silent according to her command. "Alison's death will never be in vain. The pendant shall choose another protector and hopefully, they would be able to avenge such a beautiful selfless soul. They would be the next Guardian of Aneroma.." She went inside. She was greeted by a general. He bowed to her.

"Your majesty.. You are aware--"

"Yes, I am, General Arthur. The pendant will choose the young girl."

"Will you give it to her?" General Arthur said.

"No. I will give it to one of the worthy knights until she grows up."

"Your majesty, she is needed at this moment. We cannot wait any longer." He reasoned, "We cannot wait until all of our knights are gone." Queen Elena shook her head.

"She is only twelve human years of age. We shall wait for Grace Anderson to become mature and capable enough to carry such a responsibility." Queen Elena said.

"When will you know it is time to hand it to her?" General Arthur asked curiously.

"I won't. The pendant, one day, will appear right below her feet.. That would be the dawn of our new hero.."

"..The Guardian of Aneroma."

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