4. Aneroma

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Grace groaned as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes to clear them and took a look at her surroundings. She was in a cell. Another knight was pacing in front of her cell. He was wearing a helmet, so she couldn't see his face. She noticed how he was in shining gold armour, which was different from all of the other knights, who wore silver. She didn't know what to say, so she figured it was better to remain silent, rather than to say something wrong, or stupid.

The knight noticed her. She knew by how his head fixated on her. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, which surprised Grace to the point of complete silence. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head. 

"Where is my friend, Rachael? She is blonde—"

"Yes, she is alright. Please, walk with me." His reply was unconvincing to Grace. He slid the door until it was ajar, which made Grace wonder if it was actually closed to begin with. 

"Where am I?" The knight didn't bother to reply. She got out of the cell. She found the pendant still around her neck, but she didn't dare use it. Not when she was surrounded by knights everywhere. 

The knight, whose armour was made of sparkling gold, escorted her outside of the dungeons and to a great hall. 

"Where are we going?" She asked. Without turning his head to look at her, he replied. 

"Queen Elena. Act nice." Grace suddenly found herself in front of a huge door. The two guards suddenly jumped in the air and held the two door knobs and turned them, pushing the door inside. Grace walked unaccompanied in the huge hall. She stopped a little before the staircase that led to a giant floating throne. She looked upwards, curious to see who was sitting on such a throne. 

A lady sat elegantly on the throne, with dark blue pixie cut hair and eyes alert and observing. Her head was raised up high in arrogance, and her giant peacock-like wings were spread beside her. Grace shakingly bowed to her presence.

"Grace Anderson," The queen greeted, her voice powerful and unwavering, "A human girl of fifteen years of age. The girl.. who stole the heart of Aneroma." Grace winced at the harsh accusation the queen threw at her like a dagger.

"Your majesty—" Grace failed to object, as the queen interrupted her. 

"Yes, yes, you cannot steal what is already yours, I understand." Queen Elena said. Grace opened her mouth to say something, but she retreated. 

What does she mean when she says I can't steal what is already mine?

"In all honesty, I find your boldness fascinating. You threatened my knights with your sword, you demanded them to let go of your human friend, you took a glowing pendant from the ground. You have bravery and also, selflessness for those you care about. Sometimes foolish, but bold." Queen Elena stood up and brushed her long gown. "Those are the qualities I need in a Guardian." 

"A Guardian?" Grace asked.

"You are destined to guard our world from evil. You know, I could have killed you and your little friend the moment they turned you in, unconscious. Aside from the fact I am doing a favour for a friend of mine, who was keen on keeping you alive, you are the one the prophecy is talking about. You are the chosen one, Grace." Grace chuckled nervously. 

"I think you've got it all wrong, your majesty," Grace shook her head as she watched Queen Elena go down the stairs. "I am just.. Grace. I am the school's biggest loser and the clumsiest person you will ever encounter. I can't do whatever you want me to do, I am not the person you are looking for." Grace took off the pendant and handed it to her. "Just let me and Rachael go. I need to go back.. for my father. He must be worried sick about me." She said pleadingly.

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