7. The Fairy Stamp Of Approval

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Two days later, Grace returned to Aneroma with Rachael after her detention. Rachael had insisted on tagging along, bringing her bag of medical supplies and snacks, which were deemed unnecessary. Grace had told her time and time again that there was a huge medical wing in the castle to help in emergencies, but she knew she couldn't deprive Rachael more of a sense of purpose. 

Grace met up with Sam, with the silver armor and the flowing blond curls with blue highlights. Grace wondered if knights ever changed their armour. 

Sam told her how to inform the queen of her arrival using the guards on the door. Soon came Grace and Rachael's permission to enter. 

Both entered and bowed to the queen. 

"Greetings, Guardian.. and her friend." 

"My name is Rachael, your majesty." Rachael said. Queen Elena. 

"My apologies," Queen Elena, "Do you also fight, Rachael?" Rachael shook her head. Grace didn't know why it was necessary to ask such a question. Was the queen willing to replace her? "Why don't you join the squires? You can choose a weapon that suits you and help out around Aneroma."

"With all due respect, your majesty, I can't. My parents won't allow it. Maybe one day." Queen Elena was taken back, like she had never gotten refused before. Queen Elena adjusted her gown after she had stood up. 

"We need to talk, Grace." Queen Elena said, directing them to a council meeting room. Every chair was occupied with a different fairy, except for three chairs, one was at the end of the table and significantly shinier and bigger than all of the other chairs. Two empty chairs were beside Queen Elena. 

"This is the 'Primal Council', Grace. This council consists of the most important individuals in the Knights' order." Queen Elena introduced, "Everyone, this is our new Guardian, Grace Anderson." The whole table turned to see Grace. Grace immediately held her pendant protectively. She recognized Sam and the mysterious knight in golden armour. 

Queen Elena ignored Grace's stance and sat down. She gestured for Grace and Rachael to sit beside her on the long table. 

"She is.. young." A woman with raven black pixie cut hair and glowing blue eyes stared at Grace. 

"Fifteen years of age, yes, Luna." Queen Elena confirmed. Grace was trembling with anxiety when Sam gestured for her to exhale deeply. She obeyed. 

"Based on her performance at the battle arena two days ago, I believe you are experienced in fighting." Luna said. Grace nodded. 

"A few years of training.. with my Mom and Dad." She replied. 

"Do you have anything to say, General Arthur?" Queen Elena gestured with her hand at an elderly man with a white beard and black uniform. 

"Well, who am I to judge who the pendant chose?" General Arthur gave Grace a smile, "We have all expected the pendant to pick you out of all people, Grace Anderson. My opinion of you doesn't matter, it will not change what fate has written for you." 

"Excellent point, General Arthur." Queen Elena said. Grace's mind drifted as to why Queen Elena never smiled when she talked. 

"Grace," Luna said, "We would like to introduce you to the kind of evil our lands have been threatened with for the last hundred years."

God, what makes you think I can defeat some kind of "evil that has threatened your lands" or whatever?

I am fifteen. The most dangerous thing I was capable of a week ago was sneaking out of my house past my curfew.

The Guardians Of AneromaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin