2. Winged

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Grace went back home with her skateboard. She found her father’s car parked in front of the house, which meant he was still at home and didn’t rush to the hospital again. She opened the front door.

“Hey, Dad!” She greeted only to find no one. 


“Dad?” She frantically looked around. He rushed downstairs. 

“Grace!” He hugged her cordially. Grace squeezed him before letting go. He smiled warmly at her, but his patent exhaustion showed. His face was thin, with a small faint scar above his eyebrow. He wore black square framed glasses. He had brown hair he brushed back and wide hazel eyes, like his daughter’s. Fred was tall and skinny, also a bit jacked. He changed out of his uniform into a science pun shirt and a pair of grey sweats. “How was school?”

“Good.” She lied. Fred noticed her lie but said nothing. Usually Grace was talkative and liked to talk about her school day. 

“Are you alright?” He perked an eyebrow.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Grace cracked a hopefully convincing smile. Her mind wouldn’t leave the pendant in her backpack. She was tempted to see what it would do. 

Right after Dad leaves for his night shift.

“Right. I am going to make us dinner. Guess what we are eating today?” Fred gave her an excited look. 

“Umm..” Grace started to feel his excitement, so she played along, “Spaghetti?”



“Try again. You were actually closer with spaghetti.” Grace placed a finger on her chin.

“I assume it’s pasta of some sort?” She grinned as she asked. Fred knew she found out.


“Then it has to be mac and cheese.” Fred pouted playfully. 

“You got it,” He admitted in defeat, “I thought you weren’t going to get it. Though, to be fair, you would, because it is your favourite.”

“You said it was close to spaghetti.” Grace said. 

“It could have been gnocchi.. or lasagne.. or chicken alfredo.” He reasoned.

Grace shrugged, “What can I say, Freddie? I believe this is what you call ‘A lucky guess’.” She talked in a weird accent, making exaggerated movements with her hand. Fred chuckled. 

“Alright. Go do your homework and study.”

“Do I have to?” Grace whined.

“Says the straight ‘A’s student,” Fred replied. “I thought you liked to study.”

“I don’t.. I am still burnt out from midterms, which were like.. weeks ago, which makes it even worse.” Grace swung her arms awkwardly. A small gesture she made when she was nervous.

“Don’t worry, honey. I am sure you did great.” Fred said with a comforting smile. Both sat in the living room adjacent to each other, occupied by their smartphones. 

“Huh, the news says there are weird appearances of people with wings? Like fae creatures?” Grace said in confusion. She showed her dad the website’s article. His eyes widened momentarily before he gathered his composure. It didn’t go unnoticed by Grace. 

“I don’t believe this fake news. People are getting really good at Photoshop these days.” He said. He muttered something incoherent to himself. 

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