3. Fairy Hunt

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Grace paced on top of the building, trying to figure out which one she should go to and ask for advice. She realized her best bet was Rachael. She knew a ton about the supernatural and mythical creatures. She could give her a clear image about what was going on with her. On her way, she had imagined showing her friend her wings and getting rather freaked out, but if she wanted any advice about anything about fantasy or the supernatural, Rachael would be the best one to head to.

She stood on the slippery steep roof of Rachael’s huge mansion with firmness. She walked around, looking for a specific window. Rachael would always keep it open to give her plants proper sunlight and ventilation. Grace cursed as she remembered the plants on the windowsill. They were too many of varying sizes and they could possibly block her way inside.

She eventually found the window and she was not incorrect. The flower pots did block her path. She sighed and knocked on the window’s glass pane. 

“Rae? It’s Grace. Can you help me with the flowers?” Grace asked. Rachael, with an utter look of confusion on her face, aided her friend by placing some pots on the ground. 

“Grace, how did you get up here? Are you out of your mind?” Rachael asked. Grace held on to the edge of the roof, planting her legs to the wall. She launched herself in the air and made a full turn in the air before she landed in Rachael’s room. She stood up, brushing her clothes. 

She gave her best friend a toothy grin, “Hi.” Rachael could only gape at her friend’s glowing figure and wings.

“Alright. Am I dreaming or..” She trailed off, clutching the back of her seat like her life depended on it.

“I really wish I knew if we were dreaming, Rae.”

“This is really really awesome.” She replied breathlessly.

“I know.” 

“Like, super duper awesome.”

“I know!”

“And.. we are playing with something that doesn’t belong to us.” She pointed at the pendant on Grace’s neck in realization. Grace rolled her eyes.

“Rae! Come on. Who would refuse a glowing pendant in a forest? It’s like it was meant to be below my feet.”

“Who do you think it belongs to?” Grace could tell that Rachael was trying to keep a conversation going. She was getting paler the more she looked at her wings.

“I don’t know. The pendant, It can make me a fairy and can give me a magic sword and huge wings and I am glowing right now and..” Grace spoke really quickly until she realized that her friend couldn’t register half of the information. “Whoops. Sorry I overwhelmed you.”

“Oh, no. It’s alright.” Rachael said, though she didn’t look ‘alright’. She looked on the verge of fainting. Her face was ash-white.

“Do you need a glass of water?” Grace asked. 

Rachael ignored her question, “You can change back, right?” Grace went silent at her question. 

“That’s what I am trying to figure out. As far as I know, I can’t change back.” 

“You what?” Rachael exclaimed. She took a shaky breath to regain her composure. Grace suddenly felt a pang in her heart. Guilt. Rachael rotated her desk chair and flopped on it. “Have you tried taking it off?” Rachael asked. Grace smiled. 

“That could actually work!” Grace took off the pendant.

Grace’s body stopped glowing. She felt something tug at her back lightly. Her sword disappeared. 

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