10. Team Guardians

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Grace dropped Daniel in the empty street and sat on the curb to take her breath. She supported her head with her hand and heaved. She took a glance at Daniel who was looking at her in dismay. 

"Sorry, I am still not used to all of this either, so it takes a long while to recharge." Grace said. 

"Sorry, I must have tired you." Grace chuckled. 

"What?" She asked, "What do you mean? It's all good. If I was not picking you up, you could have.. I mean, whatever could have happened, I am pretty sure it would have been way worse than feeling a bit tired." Daniel's lips tugged upwards for a smile. 

"Thanks.. for doing all of this." Daniel said. He searched in his pocket until he got out a rolled piece of browned paper. "There, this is yours, Guardian. Sorry, I took it from you. I didn't know how important it would be for you." Grace took it and opened it, the writing on the paper giving her chills. 

Beware, Guardian, for I know everything about you.

"I am sorry, I want to be all caught up, this is bad news, right?" Grace nodded. 

"Very bad news." Grace said, "That might be the.. villain we are fighting." 

"How bad?" 

"As bad as that guy from 'The Red Book'." Daniel froze as soon as he had understood the reference Grace was alluding to then nodded twice very slowly. He cursed. 

"So, what?" 

"So, what? So, we are screwed." Grace said, "I am dropping you off at Rachael's and I am going to Aneroma." 

"Wait, there is a world full of these things?" 

"Actually, the part I protect is full of good people. You should meet them someday." 

"Why can't it be today?" Grace stood up. 

"Because out there it is way more dangerous than here. Can I trust you to go to Rae's and stay where you are until I come back?" Daniel was hesitant. He pressed his lips until they were white. 

"Sure. Go save the world." Daniel extended his fist. Grace bumped her fist into his and got out her own portal pen. She drew a portal on the ground and jumped inside. 

Daniel sprinted in the streets, seeing Rachael's huge mansion come into view. He smiled triumphantly until the lights in the streets flickered. Daniel looked around, his proud smile wearing off. He held his gun with a death grip. He walked cautiously. 

A few dark shadows surrounded him. Daniel yelped and tried to shoot only to find the gun unable to shoot. He was out of ammunition.

The lights flickered again, and the gun cluttered to the ground, its owner disappearing in a blink of an eye. 

Near the gun, was a big elegant mansion, which suddenly went dark as soon as a high-pitched scream emerged.


Aneroma's chaos died down. Sounds of distressed screams were still ringing in the still, foggy atmosphere. Debris from Wingmarket covered the ground and blood was smeared on the pieces and the ground. The majestic sights of Aneroma were now burned to the ground. Coloured dust, red, blue, green, was lifted off the ground and soared with the breeze and got in Grace's short hair. 

Grace's steps felt heavier and heavier as she made her way through the damage. The damage she had caused because of her ignorance and selfishness, she reminded herself. She gripped her band-themed shirt tightly, wanting to rip it off her skin. Instead, she shoved her hands in her jacket and shivered from the eerie cold that hit her bones.

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