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Harry tapped his wand again for the fifth time on the Marauder's map. Draco's footsteps were still inside his room. For the second time this month he wished he knew the password for the Slytherin common room. Harry thought about their encounter on the tower. Why was Draco out there in the middle of the night crying and drowning himself in fire whiskey? Was it the guilt for his part during the war? Or was it because he had nightmares too? Harry hadn't asked then. It wasn't even the last thing on his mind. The war in Draco's eyes was the only thing and he wanted to take it away. He closed the map giving up on seeing Draco tonight. Anyways he had to wake up early tomorrow. They were going for their monthly outing trip to Hogsmeade. He fell asleep thinking about the estranged blonde hair boy sitting at the end of the Slytherin table. Sleep came by easy.

He was kneeling down on the floor. It was familiar. His parent's living room. But it felt eerily cold. He could hear the faint hissing sound going around the walls. He was sitting there. On a chair faced towards him. Even without looking up, his heart raced as he pulled on the chains his hands were bound with. The snake like face hissed as if commanding him to look up.
Draco found the dark eyes as the snake like face snarled at him.
" You desire him" he hissed.
"My lord" he saw his father in rags as he knelt down beside him.
" My lord, he is just a child. Please." He begged.
A horrendous laughter erupted around the room as the black eyes found Draco again.
"Nagini. Dinner." He called as he kicked his father far away.
And before he knew, the humungous snake was slithering towards Draco as he heard his mother's shrilling screams behind him. Before it got to him, he woke up.
Sweat dripped all over his body.
He is dead. He is gone. he whispered to himself. But even when he did so, he couldn't shake off the feeling. The only place he would have found solitude was gone. His soul was haunted.
He got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. He leaned on the basin looking at the mirror. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His eyes were rimmed red on the underside. He looked more pale. He splashed cold water onto his face. Once. Twice. Thrice.... till his face went numb to the pain of the stabbing cold.
He is gone. Forever. he thought to himself before getting out and pulling on his robe. He needed to get out.

The wind felt cold against his cheeks. A full moon hovered over him. He wondered if his father was looking at it too. Or maybe he wasn't. His mother had arrived to the school today. His father, Lucius Malfoy had been given a five year long sentence in Azkaban. Better than what the others got. The Dementor's Kiss. Draco felt a shiver travel down his body as he thought about the cold hollow animated creatures. He felt a crumbling feeling in his gut as he thought about his second year. He never understood. It was foolish and stupid of him to scare off Potter like that. Potter. His mother had told him it was because of Harry's testimony to Lucius not fighting in the war that had saved him from the kiss. He had also testified for his mother lying to the dark lord about him being dead that saved her from Azkaban. Another testimony to Draco saving him by deliberately not recognising him in the Malfoy Manor last year. Harry had saved them all. In ways Draco could not understand. Why? Why did he testify? After all they did wrong to him? Why did he testify? He took another one of the rolled up sticks that Pansy had gotten him. He put it in his mouth and waved his wand. It slightly burned at the end.
Ciggarettes. A muggle delicacy muggles do not approve of. Pansy had said.
He dragged in another smoke. He liked how they settled him down. It wasn't as good as fire whiskey but they had a calming effect. He dragged in another one and blew it out. Suddenly there was a coughing sound behind him. As he instantly reached for his wand and turned back, the intruder's green eyes came in light. Harry Potter stood before him.

"Ha- Potter" he said. Appalled.
"Draco" he said coughing again. Draco butted out the ciggarette on the wall.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"You smoke ciggarettes?" asked Harry in what Draco thought was an amusing tone.
Draco felt the blood rushing to his face.
"None of your business." he snapped.
There was a sly smile on Harry's face.
"Something funny Potter?" Draco snapped again.
"No. I just.. Its muggle stuff. I didn't expect you to be into something so muggle." he murmured scratching the back of his head.
Draco couldn't help but notice how his hair still looked the same as in every other day. He had clearly woken up. His eyes were puffy and there were eye bags under them. He either never combed or his hair was just hopeless.
" Are you okay?" asked Harry. His eyes looked concerned.
"I am fine" snapped Draco turning back.
They stood there, quiet, with his back towards Harry for some time.
He turned around to leave. As he passed Harry, he suddenly caught hold of his arm.
"It wasn't your fault." he said.
What was he talking about?
"He knew. He was dying already." he said.
Draco looked at him. Harry was still holding his arm.
"Dumbledore." He said. "He was dying already. He knew. He knew what they wanted you to do. And so he asked Snape to do it."
Draco felt as if someone had just pulled the ground under him.
"He believed there was good in you. The humanity in you. He made Snape do it." he said.
Draco felt a gush of cold wind on his neck as a shiver tailed down his body. Dumbledore.
"What are you talking about?" he whispered.
And so Harry told him.

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