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As they stood there, Harry watched the confusion and guilt over and over again on Draco's face. He had told him about the cursed ring. How Dumbledore had confronted Snape about his own death. How he knew about the task Draco had been assigned with. The glimpse of hope he still believed Draco had in him.
"It doesn't matter. I brought them here. I.." mumbled Draco.
"It was always meant to be that way. It was planned. His death was planned." said Harry.
"But I brought it upon him. He could still have lived. He still had time left." he said as he looked at Harry. There was a hopelessness in his voice. A hollowness in his eyes.
"Draco" Harry's hands were on his shoulders "He believed in you. He thought you could still be saved." he whispered.
"He believed in you." Dumbledore still thought he could be saved. Saved.
He pushed off Harry's hand.
He felt anger. Ashamed. Even if Dumbledore knew, he had still tried to kill him.
"NO!" He backed off a few steps "I was there the night he fell off the tower" his voice was cracking "the night I let them in the castle" his vision blurred as the images came to his mind of that night. He still remembered that night as if it happened yesterday.
"Draco" Harry was standing just a few inches away from him. He hadn't realised when he had leaned back ok the wall for support.
"I know its hard but if he was alive, he would have forgiven you. He knew what you were going thr-"
Draco pushed him back.
Harry looked at him. For the second time he saw, how broken Draco was yet it hit him as hard as it had the first time. He went ahead and pulled Draco in his arms. Draco squirmed and tried pushing him, hitting him as he repeatedly cried,
"You don't know anything"
But Harry held on to him as tight as he could. Draco was crying desperately as he hit Harry again and again. But after some time, he gave up. He buried his head onto Harry's neck as he sobbed still whispering in a coarse voice,
" You don't know anything"
As he cried on to his shoulders, Harry held him more tighter.
"Then tell me." He said holding on to him "Tell me."
As they stood there holding on to each other Draco didn't know why but he wanted to tell him.
Save me. he thought.

They sat on the stairs. Harry watched as Draco's hand trembled taking out a ciggarette from the packet. Harry reached for his wand and lighted it for him. He watched as he took a long drag and blew it out.
" Why did you come back?" asked Draco his voice hoarse from the crying.
Harry looked at the moon outside the tall window.
" It just felt right to come back." he said "I wanted to help with all the scars and rebuilt the school back"
Draco took another puff as he looked at the ground.
" Why did you come back?" Harry asked.
" I didn't want to stay in the manor anymore. " said Draco.
Harry knew. He would have felt haunted too. The tortures. The killing. His parents. Voldemort.
" I-"
" Don't " said Draco as he looked at Harry.
Harry stopped. Draco's cheeks were sunken. His eyes were red. There was a strand of hair falling over his left eye. Harry hesitated but Draco didn't stop him. He gently brushed aside the strand. They both looked away.
Nightmares. thought Harry.
He has been having Nightmares. thought Draco.
They sat there in silence. But even if there was just silence, Draco felt lighter somehow.
They both started together. Incomplete sentences hung in the air.
"You can go first" said Harry looking at him.
Draco stared at his feet.
"I am sorry about everything. The dementors. The constant looking down on you. Calling you names." he said "Everything."
Harry looked at his own feet. He didn't know how to respond to it.
" The day I watched him die, I felt it." he continued " I was Ignorant. Foolish. Stupid. To do all that I did. I am sorry."
Harry looked at him. His head was bent down as he stared at his feet.
" You saved me" Harry said "That day at the Manor. You knew it was me. Yet you saved me."
Draco remembered that day. He had felt his heart pounding on his chest as he realised Harry was in his house. The realisation that he had been captured. He knew it was him. Even behind the puffed face without the glasses, he knew it was him. And he would never understand what it was that had compelled him to try to cover it was Harry. His parents would have redeemed their glory. But he remembered all he wanted was Harry to escape.
"You saved my mother and father" said Draco "You saved me"
He looked at Harry.
" Thank you." He said.
Draco's mother had saved him as well. Even though he knew she had done it for Draco, she had saved him.
They sat there as Draco took the last puff of his ciggarette. The wind was cold. Draco shivered as he pulled his robe more tighter around himself. Harry realised he didn't have any heat charms around him.
" We should probably go back. Its cold." He said.
They walked till they were at the dungeons. The Slytherin Common Room.
As Draco said Goodnight and turned towards the portrait, Harry called him out.
" I believe in what Dumbledore said." he said.
Draco looked at him.
How could you? he thought.
" Its getting late Potter " he said in a quiet voice "Goodnight"
And with that he was gone.
Harry watched the portrait swung close as he turned back to the stairs. He had to protect this boy. They both lived in the same home. The home haunted by the war.

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