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"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!" Draco screamed as tears flowed down his face. A helpless Harry held on more tighter as Draco stopped fighting his arms.
"I am sorry . I am sorry." he whispered. Draco sobbed with his head down in resignation.
"You shouldn't have done that" his voice was coarse.
"I am sorry" Harry whispered again.
The sight of Draco breaking down because of him was breaking him apart. He didn't know what else to do except to hold him.
Did I go overboard ?
He continued to hold him as his body trembled with sobs.
" I want to be with you" Harry said "always"
And with that Draco pulled his arms apart sending Harry to stumble a few steps back.
"Do you? Oh really" Draco scoffed " Or am I just someone new for you to rescue?" he asked.
" After all that history between us, you think I don't know you?"
He snickered as he wiped his tears from end sleeves of his robe.
" You have always been a saviour. 1st year? It was Professor Quirrell. 2nd year, Ginny Weasley. Third year? Well you and I both know you had something to do with the escape of that hippogriff. It's in you. You have always been the saviour. And this year, I am the one you want to rescue." He said.
"Draco I-"
"Don't you dare tell me otherwise." he yelled " I am not going to let myself be another broken princess that needs you to rescue me. So back off Potter" and with that he stormed away towards the castle.
Harry felt the blow of every one of those words.
Is that all who he was in Draco Malfoy's eyes. That guy who was always to the rescue because he wanted glory? If he did remember all the history then he would know, Harry never wanted all of that.
And he would also know how Harry would be feeling right now.
Cold. Empty. Hurt.

As soon as he entered the common room, stares followed him. He went straight to his room. Blaise looked up from the book he was reading. Draco threw his robe on the bed and headed straight for the sink. He splashed the cold water in his face till it went numb.
"Everything alright?" Blaise was standing near the bathroom door.
Draco didn't say anything and put his face inside the pool of water he had gathered at the sink. It felt cold and numbing unlike Harry's lips.
Harry's lips.
Why was liking Harry Potter making his life so miserable?

     Draco didn't come for dinner. Harry kept looking at the end of the Slytherin table only to be welcomed with cold stares from Blaise and Pansy. He wasn't hungry and kept fooling around with his food. He left before the dinner was over as Ron and Hermione gave each other with quizzical looks. But instead of going to his room, he went for Hagrid's.

      Like always, smoke rose out of the chimney as Harry walked towards the hut. He had to knock on the door thrice before Hagrid finally opened.
"Harry" he squealed delightfully giving him a hug.
"Hello Hagrid"
"Come in. Come in." he said making room for Harry to enter.
The hut was all the same except for a steaming hot cake on top of the table.
Harry remembered that cake. It was identical to the very first one he had ever gotten when Hagrid came to give him his Hogwarts letter when he turned 11.
"So what is this surprise visit for eh?" He asked putting his oven gloves back on.
"Just like that " he said sitting on the rugged cushion behind the table.
"Is there a special occasion for making this cake?" Harry asked.
"It's Professor Sprouts birthday today. Just wanted to give her a gift" he said excitedly preparing the pink icing.
Harry remembered how he never got to eat his first cake but the way his cousin Dudley had to use both his hands to eat, Harry wondered how hard it was.
Regardless, Hagrid was sweet to do what he had done and also making one for Professor Sprout. Considering the mess at his countertop and the table, he was sure it took some very hard work and time.
"I saw that Malfoy kid the other day" he said piping the icing in a giant piping bag that looked small in comparison to his hand.
"Draco?" Harry asked. His heart started pounding.
"Yeah" he continued " He was there that day when I went to feed them Thestrals."
"Oh" he replied.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked.
"Sure" Hagrid said as he started decorating the cake in huge letters.
" Do you hate Draco? For what happened in our third year" he asked.
Hagrid put down his piping bag and looked at him.
"Not really. I mean I never liked his father but I don't think he had much choice growing up in that household" he said "I mean Lucius Malfoy is a snob and quite evil if you ask me. I wouldn't want him to be my father with all that pride stored up his nose for being evil"
" But he got you off as a teacher." Harry said.
" He did not. Draco Malfoy didn't have that much power. Ultimately it was his father who decided to press on the charges." He said continuing to decorate "I am not too fond of that lass but I don't hate him either. You know, he was just a kid."
He forgot the double P in happy as he moved on to birthday. Harry wondered about Hagrid not hating on Draco. Would Ron and Hermione see it too?
He helped Hagrid balance a small 'A' on the top and spelled Birthday out for him.
As he left his hut, he wondered if Draco Malfoy would come to the astronomy tower tonight. Because he really wanted him to.

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