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It had been four days  since Harry had a chance to talk to Draco again. He had stopped coming to the astronomy tower where Harry sat and waited almost every night. He saw him during some of their classes together but he never got a chance to talk. He was getting cranky and irritated. He had snapped at Hermione for teasing him with some guy and now Ron was not talking to him either.
Why was liking Draco Malfoy so much harder than being enemies with him?

       On the sixth day, he made his way to Hagrid's house.
"Harry!" he heard a voice from behind.
She stood there with her pink stockings and a purple sweater dress.
"Hi Luna" said Harry.
"Where are you going?" she asked as she came towards him.
"I was about to go to Hagrid's"
"Oh! I was going to see the Thestrals" she said waving a small bucket filled with apples "Would you like to come with me?" she asked.
"Sure. I don't see why not" he said as they both started walking.

         "You know a lot of people have been visiting them around this year" she said patting one of the Thestrals as they munched on an apple.
"They don't like crowds very much"
The war had taken away a lot of people. Harry felt a bitter taste in his mouth as he remembered the lines of corpses in the great hall.
"Are you okay Harry?" Luna asked.
Harry shrugged and meekly nodded his head.
Luna sat beside him as they watched the Thestrals eating and slowly grazing around each other.
"He was there that day when I went to feed them Thestrals." Hagrid had said.
"Do you want to talk about him?" Luna suddenly asked.
"I am sorry what?"
"You know I am fine with it if you wanna talk about Draco" she said looking at Harry.
"How do you-"
"I saw him going to the lake that day. I was looking for gnarckles" she interrupted.
"Did you.. em..-"
"No. I went away as soon as I realised you guys weren't fighting" she said throwing an apple to a Thestral hovering near them.
"So do you?" she asked turning to him again.
Harry looked at the grass. He knew he hadn't told Ron or Hermione yet. But then again he wasn't even sure he wanted to.
" I don't know Luna" he said looking at his feet.
"It's okay" she said smiling at him again.
They fed the Thestrals some more and then made their way to Hagrid's. He made them some tea and then he and Luna talked about gnarkles for a very very long time. By the time it was over, the sun was almost setting.
They left hugging Hagrid goodbye as they wouldn't see him for a few days. He was going to see his giant half-brother Grawp in the caves. As they walked, Harry still couldn't stop thinking about Draco. He knew Luna would be the only person who would hear him out about Draco. And so he caved in. The first night on the astronomy tower. How he hurted him on the lake that day. How he wasn't talking to him anymore. The odd feeling of not wanting to tell Hermione and Ron even though they were his best friends in the whole entire world. Everything.
Luna heard him patiently as they finally stopped to rest in the stairs of the astronomy tower.
"You understand it's harder for him right?" she asked.
"I do . I mean I think I do?" he said, confusion painted all over his face.
" He was always proud of who he was but the war changed everything. He probably doesn't want someone to save him. Specially not you."
"But I am not trying to save him" he said exasperated.
"What if he feels like you are?" she asked " Then it would just seem like pity to him than anything else."
Why hadn't he thought about that? Your nemesis from the first year itself suddenly being all sorts of affectionate, he could see why Draco wouldn't trust him. How do you leave behind a history of hatred suddenly and want to be with that person? It was so clear now why Draco wouldn't want to have anything to do with him. Harry just wasn't another boy who liked him and wanted to be with him. In Draco Malfoy's eyes, he was the guy who pitied him for getting bullied around and wanted to save him.
A saviour.
And what better way to invoke this than to make him his own, becoming the ultimate saviour who was strong and kind enough to protect his own nemesis after the long history of hatred between them?
No wonder Draco didn't want to be near him.
But it wasn't pity that Harry had for him and as he walked back to the Great Hall, he wondered what it was that he could do to make him understand.

     "Guys" he called as Ron, Hermione and he walked towards their dorm. They hadn't spoken to him during the entire dinner.
"I am sorry for snapping that day" he said.
"It's fine" said Hermione "I just wanted to know if everything was okay with you" she said giving him a meek smile.
"Yeah mate. We are all friends before she is my girl" he said smiling to look at Hermione.
"Are you alright tho?" he asked.
"Yeah" said Harry outing his hands in his pockets.
"I am just not feeling up to anything these days" he said looking down at his feet.
His stomach turned, lying to his friends.
" We should go practise quid ditch with the juniors sometimes" said Ron.
Harry nodded at him as they started walking towards the dorm again.

      Sleep wouldn't come easy and so he twisted and turned around his bed hearing Ron snore. It started drizzling outside. He wondered if Draco Malfoy was looking outside his window too. He fell asleep around three a.m exhausted.

A sudden jolt woke him up and before he could comprehend the situation, Draco Malfoy's hand was over his mouth as he put a finger on his lips.
Harry couldn't decide if it was a dream or was the boy he had been dying to see was finally here.
Aurthor's note
I know both these chapters are kind of slow but I really wanted to give Draco a break for Harry surprising him with that kiss.
You will get your slice of cake in the next chapter I promise 🍒
Thankyou so much reading this ❤️❤️

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