Chapter Three

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Mollie's PoV


I rolled over, my arm swinging wildly to try and hit my alarm clock. After I turned it off, I changed the bandages on my back and got dressed. Today I decided to wear a blue tank-top and a pair of jeans. Not too much, but not too little. I waited at my desk for Father to come and dismiss me from my room. He came soon, fifteen minutes, and told me to get out. I walked out with Father steering me from behind. I couldn't leave his grip no matter how hard I tried; his grip was like iron.

We walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where the smell of bacon was too much for me. I hadn't eaten a real meal in days and the smell of the meat made me stagger to the trash can and double over.

"You okay, Mollie?" my mother said from where she was standing.

"Yeah," I said weakly.

"You sure? You don't look too good." Usually, I would've been happy that she said that but since Father was staying home today, I decided bullies were better than all day with an abusive father.

"Yes, I'm fine Mother,"

"Do you want any bacon? I made it fresh this morning."

"No, I'm fine." I hustled back up to my room before Father could stop me and put my laptop in my backpack. Next, I put my homework in with the laptop. Then, I set the backpack down in front of my door and went to the bathroom. After I had brushed my hair and teeth, I grabbed my bag and started down the stairs. Father was coming up the stairs at the same time and I didn't see his foot until it was too late. I tripped and landed hard on my arm.

"Mollie, honey? You okay?" Mother called from the kitchen.

"Mmhm, I just tripped," I said, shooting a glare at Father. He glared right back. I stood up and gripping my arm, I ran out of the house as fast as I could without seeming suspicious.

I was halfway to school when I heard the voice, her voice. Rose, I thought. What is she doing here? I was about to turn and take another street when I heard her speak. "Hey, Mollie!" I started running as fast as a cheetah. Hearing Rose's footsteps on my tail, I sped up. Rose was the captain for the track team, so I shouldn't have been surprised when she appeared right next to me. "Watch out, Mollie," she said, sticking her foot, causing me to trip for the second time that day.

"Goodbye, loser!" Rose shouted as she sped up, already crossing the street. I spit the taste of blood and concrete out of my mouth. When I checked my arms and legs, I noticed several new cuts and bruises. None were deep enough that they needed immediate attention, just maybe some band-aids. Using my hands to steady myself, I slowly pushed my body up onto my feet. My arm felt worse than it did before; every time I moved I heard a pop from my shoulder.

"Ow," I muttered.

I hustled to my school, Broken Arrow High, and ran in, stopping for a few moments to say hello to teachers. I was almost to the class when saw him. Him. I saw David, the most popular boy in school, my crush, standing with his friends, laughing and talking. His sleek brown hair covered half of his face, showing only one electric blue eye and a bunch of freckles. I was going to go up to him to say hello but then I heard two voices in my head.

Don't go up to him, said one part of me. If you go up there you will embarrass yourself in front of him and all his friends. Just walk away.

Go up to him! the other part protested. If you walk away he will either not notice or notice and hurt. There's a lot of gray area there.

I listened to the first part of me; David hadn't even noticed me yet. When I turned back to look, though, he was staring right at me.

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