Chapter Five

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Mollie's PoV


On my right, David stood up and yelled, "FIRE!" The classroom erupted into a frenzy. Everyone was yelling and screaming and running so much that the class had turned into a blur. "Everyone! Calm down!" the teacher yelled. When no one did she yelled, "SHUT UP!" Everyone froze. "Walk out in an orderly fashion, please!" Everyone got into an "orderly" line.

I was the last person to be in line. John and Rose were in front of me. Not good. "Hello, Mollie." Shoot. They noticed me. As we were walking out of the classroom, which was now filled with overturned tables and desks, John and Rose kept poking me and taunting me. Ugh, I thought. Sooo annoying.

Then, just as we were nearing the door, John and Rose stopped. They each grabbed one of my arms and pulled me to a chair. Rose went over to the teacher's desk and grabbed rope from inside. She tossed it to John who tied me up. The room was hazy with smoke and the heat was unbearable.

"Have fun dying!" Rose shouted as she and John walked out the door.

------------------------------------------5 MINUTES LATER--------------------------------------------

The smoke was now like night and the fire was getting closer with every second, feeding on the wood floor. CREAK. I looked up just in time to see a beam from the ceiling fall.

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