Chapter Twelve

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David's PoV

Three days after Mollie was put in the hospital, my parents said I could go visit Mollie. I raced down the road with my bike, going as fast as I could manage. In no time I reached the hospital. Throwing myself off the bike, I ran inside, sprinting even as a security guard yelled at me to stop. I stopped at the reception desk for a few seconds to ask where Mollie Jane Lea's room was. Room 203 on floor 2. Deciding quickly that the stairs were faster than an elevator, I shot up them, taking two at a time. Finally, I reached 203 where I stopped, panting, and knocked on the door. A nurse in a white and red uniform stepped out, opening the door just long enough for me to slip through.

Mollie's face brightened at the sight of me. "Hey, David!"

"'Sup, Mollie. How's life?" Mollie described to me everything that had happened to her; finding out she was paralyzed, being bed-ridden every day.

"And last, but not least, is that fact that my parents can't pay for the bills." A glimpse of white trickled down her face. Tears. "Mollie, don't cry!" She hurriedly wiped her face with the back of her hand. "You know, I mean, not to sound rude but my parents are rich and we could probably pay for the bills," I suggested.

Mollie grabbed my face with both her hands, looked deeply into my eyes, and threw herself onto me. Her lips crashed onto mine, softly at first, then more forcefully. Before, I had not been kissing back, but soon I was throwing myself onto her as well. This lasted for a few minutes before we finally pulled ourselves apart, panting.

"I'm sorry about that," Mollie said.

"No kidding," I said, grabbing her face this time. "It was wonderful."

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