Chapter Nine

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Mollie's PoV

Suddenly, the falling stopped. Light surrounded me and I could make out the face of David above me. "What . . . What happened?" I asked groggily. "I remember . . . Rose and John . . . ropes . . . fire . . . falling."

"I'll tell you later. Come on," David said. "Let's go." He held out his hand, which was now black from ash, and I took it. Trying to pull me up proved to be a problem. I couldn't move my legs. No matter how hard I willed them to move, they stayed as still as bricks in a pile. "David. I can't move. You'll have to carry me." At this, David's face paled. "Are you okay?" I asked.

WEE-OO! WEE-OO! A fire truck pulled up in front of the school. About a dozen firefighters walked out, dressed in their outfits. A firefighter noticed us and came over.

"You lads ought to come with me," he said to us. Waving to an ambulance,--when had that showed up?--he helped David get up. A team with a stretcher came over and put me on it; that told me that I looked worse than David and he looked pretty bad.

Once I was inside the ambulance, the medics put fluid into my body, and I slowly drifted off.

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