Chapter four

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The following day I woke up on the couch again; I did not finish setting up my bedroom, so I had to sleep there for now. Today I will have completed it, so that is good. Never would I have thought that living alone could be so satisfying.

I got up, took a shower, and finished the last of the little bottles of body wash and shampoo I had. I hurried to brush my teeth and soon went out the door. I was a bit hungry, so I stopped at the bakery for breakfast. I had seen some specials on the wall when I went by yesterday. Although I did not want to see Francis, I was super hungry, and if I am being honest, that bakery is fantastic. "Hello Arthur, will this be a Routine for you now?" Francis smiled from across the counter. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and he was dressed in his uniform. "I am hungry, and I guess this place is pretty good," I said, looking away. The place was full of people as the date on the tables there. "What can I get for you?" Francis smiled, and I looked at the breakfast menu, trying to decide. "I will just have the cheese omelet to go," imprinted at the item, and he nodded. "It will be ready in ten minutes. You can go ahead and wait to the side" Francis pointed to some seats, and I nodded to sit on them. I honestly loved this place; its aroma was very soothing and smelled of strawberries and cream.

I must have dazed off for a while because before I knew it, Francis was calling me over to get my order. "That will be 4.43€" Francis smiled and pushed a small container at me. I gave him the exact change and started to head out. "If you want, I can bring you something later, Arthur," I heard Francis call to me. "Whatever you want, frog" I stopped to speak and continued, but I could listen to Francis's sweet laugh erupt within the bakery silence. I took out my phone to the nearest home store, and luckily there was one a mile away. I did not mind the walk; I could always catch a bus. I always thought owning a car was too much of a hassle; I prefer walking, taking the bus, or riding a bike. Once I arrived at the store, I was greeted by some lovely people. I had thrown the container away and wiped my hands. That omelet had to be the best omelet I had ever had. I looked around and started piling some needed room accessories, like bed covers, pillows, or hangers. I went down the bathroom aisle and got some more sanitary goods, and I thought for a moment to think if I had forgotten anything.

"I think I got everything" I smiled and checked out my stuff. I did get a lot of things, but it is okay. I do not mind the slight weight. The walk was relatively peaceful. I enjoyed the scenery. After the twenty-minute walk, I finally arrived home. I was excited to put my bedroom together, and I kept fantasizing about everything I could do. "Oh! Hello, Arthur," I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned, and it was my neighbor. "Oh, hello, Yao," I smiled. He had his siblings with him, and he looked happy. "Were you just at the store?" He pointed to my bags, and I nodded. One of the children started to pull at my leg, and I almost lost my balance from this. "Here, let me help" he smiled. I nodded and handed him a bag, and we both started to walk up the stairs to our apartments. " thank you so much; it is nice to have made an acquaintance such as yourself; it makes me feel more comfortable living here," I smiled as I set down the bags to get my keys out. "It is no problem, and I am always happy to help. I have a question, though: Who were you yelling at yesterday?" Yao asked worriedly. "Ahhh... that was just the other neighbor and me; he has been "friendly," I guess." I rolled my eyes.

"Ahhh, Francis Bonnefoy, the one across from me" he smiled and held onto his brothers so they wouldn't run off.
"You know him?" I asked curiously
"Yes, yes! Very nice man, just very open. Do not worry about him. He is nicer than you think. He would bring us leftover treats from his work once in a while when he would not sell out of certain things, and he helped fix my sink" Yao smiled with sparkle and held a thumbs up.
"Oh, I see," I laughed.

"He means well; it is nice to see him getting more friends; he lives alone and does not get out much besides his work. Now that I think about it, I do not think he has a girlfriend, so that is good....for you?" Yao started to laugh at the last part.

"Oh hell no," I laughed back and placed the key in the hole. He laughed, held his fingers in a heart, and gestured for Francis and I being together. I rolled my eyes, and he walked away laughing and carrying Kiku in his arms while the other children followed.  Like hell, I would care if he had a girlfriend or not. I opened the door and brought all my things in to get started on the room. Yao has some good things to say about him the very least.

"Wait! I need to stop thinking about this and get to work" I slapped myself and started to put my clothes away on the hangers and get my bed set up.
"Besides.....I am a guy, and he most likely likes women," I said. 

Thank you for reading so far!!!!

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