Chapter eight

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That night I got home exhausted. I checked the time, and it was 6:30. I had stayed late to review the work. The sun was already setting once I started to walk home. It is about ten minutes which I did not mind. Arriving at the apartments, I felt someone watching me. I looked around but could not see anyone. "That is odd; I could have sworn-." A man in a black mask cut me off. "Give me all your money now!" I was startled by the sudden demand. I held my hands up and watched him closely. "I need to get my wallet from my pocket," I said slowly, going down as he still held the knife up to my face. "Hurry up" I jumped at the demand and hurried to take my wallet out. There was a loud thud, ad I turned to the man, and he fell unconscious. I slowly looked up and saw it was Francis. "What-." That was all I could say.

"Are you okay?" Francis came to me and looked at my arms and face trying to examine me. "I am fine; he didn't even scratch leave a scratch on me," I tried to explain. Francis breathed out, relieved. "I will call the police to get him; he will probably be out cold for a while," Francis said, kicking the guy's side. He took out his phone to call the police, and they came shortly to take the man away. It was a little weird that I almost got robbed, but I am not freaking about it. Francis pulled me inside and looked severe. "You need to be careful walking in the night! You could have been hurt badly if I hadn't gotten there in time" he stopped to look at me, placing his hands on my shoulders. I stopped for a second, looking into his eyes. He is acting weird, but I guess he cares; of course he would, we are good friends.

"Okay..." was all I could say. When I arrived at my door, he would not leave. "What?" I asked, looking at him. "Arthur, would you like to come over for some drinks?" He smiled and waited for an answer. "One or two drinks shouldn't hurt; I have to be back home soon, though; I have to get up early," I said, following him to his apartment. He opened the door, and I stood in awe; it was well put together.

"You can sit here" Francis smiled to a seat on the floor by his couch. I nodded and kneeled down to take a seat. Francis came back with a wine bottle and two wine glasses. "Only the best for you, my friend" he smiled and started to drink.

~Francis pov~ bet you weren't expecting this:)

"And then I...I told him he could...he could fuck off," Arthur laughed, holding up his drink. He is lightweight.
"Arthur, don't you think you have had enough drinks for tonight?" I asked worriedly.
"The bloody hell? Of course, I haven't, you stupid head."
"Was that the only insult you could come up with?" I asked, annoyed. He snatched the bottle of wine out of my hands and started chugging it. I quickly pulled it away, but he tried grabbing it from me. "Arthur, it is enough" I laughed a little.

"I will tell you when it is enough; I am getting started, you bloody idiot," he said in English. He soon started to talk in English. "My brothers did not think I could do it, but I did it; I showed those bastards the power of me!" He started to laugh loud, and I tried calming him down. He is a nasty drunk.
"Mon Ami? Are you alright?" I tried to say it in English.
"What on earth do you want now?" He started, but soon he began to cry. "Why are you crying, Arthur?" This is confusing, honestly.
"Because you are so nice, and it pisses me off!"
"What? Why?"

"Because I know I will never be as nice and perfect as you, and it pisses me off."
"What- wait, you think I am perfect? Arthur, I am far from it; I was here thinking of how perfect you are" I placed my hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles on his back. I looked at the time and saw it was barely about to be nine at night. Arthur was something else.....I had never met any man like him, he was so blunt and honest, and I liked it, especially if I had the chance to make him say rude things.

"You are such a good friend" I winced at his words as he slid down and fell asleep on my lap. Who would have thought that those words would affect my heart so much? I was just a good friend to him.
I ran my hands through his hair smiling at his peaceful face. "I should get him home," I said to myself. Or would it be weird if I did that? "I guess you will spend the night here. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to my bedroom, placing him on my bed. I removed his shoes and jacket and put them aside, covering him with the blanket.
"Goodnight, Arthur" I smiled, turned the light off, and closed the room door. The last time I was so interested in someone was years ago. Now he comes along, only knowing him for a few days, and he has already made me so interested in him. Hopefully, he does it to kill me in the morning.

Changing into regular clothes, I got the couch comfortable so that I could lay on it. I have so much respect for Arthur; at least he has some for me. I smiled at the thought of him and fell asleep peacefully.

Thank you for reading so far!

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