Chapter sixteen (final)

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Being with Francis was like something out of a fairytale story. He was always romantic and kind to me, and although we did get into it a bit, we always laughed it off like it was nothing to worry about. Every day after work, he always seems to find time to pick me up and walk me home. Then once he is out of work, I wait for him, and we go home to eat. Days seemed to be much better with him around. The day after we decided to get together, I told Yao, and he was excited. He then told his siblings, and they were happy too.
"Finally!" Yao laughed at me "what do you mean finally?" I crossed my arms seriously. "Oh nothing, I just wondered when you would notice his feelings and if you would even consider yours" he gave me a "You were dumb" kind of look with a hint of sass. "Are you saying I am dense?" I asked, hurt. "That is exactly what I am saying! Who knows if you would have figured it out if you never got a push? You are how you say in English, "stupid" Yao laughed at that last part, patting my back with joy. "So you knew?" I asked, confused. "Arthur! Everyone knew" I was so hurt and looked at his siblings, who nodded at Yao's words. "Wow, I feel attacked right now," I laughed, shaking my head.

Yeah, it has been quite the turn of events. At the moment, I was on my way from the store picking up groceries for Francis, and we had been spending a lot of time together, which meant I was hardly in my apartment, which could be a problem if I think about it. Today was a Sunday which told that Francis was off. He asked me to stay over two days ago and has not let me leave. It seemed that maybe he was attached to me now. "I am back," I called and saw Francis sitting on the couch staring at me happily. "Finally! I missed you" He swooned jokingly. "Yeah yeah, I told you I would be fine, so here" I placed the bags on the counter and stared at him as he lay his head on a pillow from the couch. "You look quite lovely from this angle, my love" Francis smiled, and I hovered over him, soon kneeing down to look at him better. "What do you want to do today?" I asked, placing my head on the couch next to his. "How about we go to a museum today? It has been a long time since we have," Francis suggested, and I nodded at him. "Okay then, well, we should get dressed," I added and started pulling him. He weighed himself down and pulled me on top of his chest. "Let's stay like this longer" Francis held me tightly, and I gave into his request. "Fine then," I said, letting him hold onto me longer. It was silent for a while until he finally said something. "Arthur, move in with me" I separated from him as his words rang inside my ear.

 "What?" I asked, confused. "Yeah! We spend a lot of time together, so might as well." He smiled. He was right, though. But we have only been dating for a couple of months, is it too soon? I had never been in a relationship before, so I was new to everything. "Are you sure? Isn't it too soon?" I asked him. "When does your lease end?" Francis smiled at me. "In another year," I added, and he smiled again. "Let us make a deal; if your lease ends and we are still together, then we should live together" Francis smiled. I thought about what he said for a while and realized it was a good idea.

"Okay then!" I said, holding him into a long hug. That makes me more comfortable. "Now! Let's get up" he stood up and messed up my hair slightly. "Bloody frog," I groaned at him. Francis was something else, honestly. Everywhere he walked, a ray of sunshine followed behind him, glowing with radiance. He walked to the kitchen and gestured to the food, wondering if I wanted a snack or something. I nodded, and he got started making some sandwiches. I wonder how I even ended up in this situation. A year ago, I would not have seen this as my future. I sat on the counter, placing my chin on my palm and staring at him happily making our sandwiches. "What?" He asked, laughing a bit. "Oh, nothing...I love you," I said seriously and soon saw him jump at my words. I had never really said that till now, so I understood his reaction. He smiled again. "I love you too," he said before continuing his food-making.
Never would I have thought........
I would love someone so much.

Hello!!! This is the last chapter! But do not worry! There will be a sequel. Idk when.....but there will be. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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