Chapter thirteen

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That night I paced back and forth. I should not have gotten that book! Now I am paranoid. I stopped for a moment to think. "Wait....would it be that bad if he did have feelings?" I said to myself, thinking about it. I would not be that bad. I started to fantasize about him.


"Arthur, my love, I love you more than anything; please be with me."
"Oh Francis, are you sure?"
"Yes, of course! Marry me!"

Fantasy over

I slapped myself across the face thinking about that situation. "You are being foolish!" I got mad at myself. There was a sudden knock on the door, and I hurried to clean my apartment. I rushed to open the door, and I saw Francis there smiling. "Hello, my dear, may I come in?" He smiled; I stood aside and finally realized what he said. "Dear"? My heart started to race. No, I am overthinking it. "So, what will you like to eat today?" He turned to me, smiling. "Ahhh, anything you would like," I answered, trying not to crack my smile. Francis nodded and headed to my kitchen to start cooking. What if I ask him straight up? Would that be so bad? But what if I make a fool of myself? I still don't know how I would ....feel. 

I walked up to him and stared at him carefully. "What is it, Arthur?" He laughed, turning to me. His eyes were staring into mine, causing me to turn away quickly from them. "Oh, nothing really," I said, peeking back at him. I wonder why he was always so happy. I have never seen him angry at all.
" you like me or something?"

It slipped out!!!!!!!

My jaw dropped, and I looked at him, shocked by my words. He will distance himself. His jaw dropped, and he looked at me seriously. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, now pointing his body at me. His feet!!!! No!!!!! "I know, as a friend," I covered up fast. I do not want him to be uncomfortable. His face grew sad, and he suddenly brushed it away with a smile. "Something like that, I guess" he placed his hand on my hair and brushed it. I have no idea what he meant by that. I lifted a brow and asked. 

"What do you mean by that?" Placing my hands on my hips, I started to pout at him. "Arthur, my dear, if you do not know that truly breaks my heart, I guess it will be more fun for you to figure it out" Francis laughed, and I never felt irritated. No one has been giving me straight answers. Francis stepped away from the stove and walked closer to me; he grabbed my hand and brought it closer to his face. "Now tell me, arthur, do you like me or something?" He asked. His face smirked, and he kissed my hand. I pulled away at this and could feel my cheeks get hot by the second. "Wha...what do you mean by that?" I asked, nervous. What if he gets the wrong idea about me? I still have not figured out what I would do if he did feel a certain way for me.

"I mean, do you love me?" He started to back me up against the wall. I don't know what to do, and I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do!!!!!! "I....uh" was all I could say. "Well, Arthur?" He slid his arm against the wall and started bringing his face closer. "Yes!" I said. Francis's eyes widened, and a sudden relief seemed to flow through him. He was about to speak until I cut him off.

"You are a .... a good friend! How could I not you" I said bluntly, adding to what I said. Francis stopped and pulled himself back. "I see..." he lifted a brow seriously. I saw a hint of anger and sadness in his eyes, and I had no idea why. " well then! Let me finish cooking" he suddenly smiled and turned away. Due to this shock, I excused myself to the restroom, internally screamed in the bathroom towels, and tried to calm my racing heart. Why am I acting this way? I am acting as if I were a grade school girl! How stupid is that!
I looked at myself in the

Mirror and glared. "I am stupid," I said to my reflection. What if this feeling is because I...I - no!!!! I can't be! I would know. Although I have not felt this way since I had a crush back in high school, it was stupid to think these feelings were the same. "At least...I do not think so" I looked at myself in the mirror, unsure. I will need more reasons to finish my thinking finally. I need to read more of that book.

"The book!" I remembered I did not put it away and left it out. I hurried out of the bathroom to get the book, and luckily Francis did not find it on my couch. I walked over to take it and placed it in my bedroom. "Arthur! The food is ready!" Francis called from the kitchen. The sight made my heart skip a beat. His hair was up in a high ponytail, and he wore a pink apron. Where did he even get that? I clenched my jaw at sight and wanted to run away. Instead, I walked closer, trying to smile away the feeling I was having. He brought over what he made, and he made a dish from my country.

"That is..." I smiled at the sight, getting extremely happy. "I thought maybe we could try one of yours tonight" he smiled happily at me. "Fish and chips!" I smiled saying in English, and it smelled so good too.

Thanks for reading!!! Also, remember they are speaking French through the whole book unless I put that they aren't

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