Chapter seven

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Today was the first day at my new job and also the first day of school for many students. I walked out of the house, wiping my eyes from being dirty, when suddenly Yao came out of his room. "Ahh, the first day?" He smiled. "Yes, the school is not too far from here, like walking distance," I smiled.
"You are a teacher? For what school?"
"Martel elementary school"

"Really!? What a coincidence. My brothers and sister attend there; this is their first day," Yao chirped happily. "Wow, maybe we can walk there together?" I suggested, and Yao nodded, calling for all of them to hurry, which they did.
"Would you like to get some breakfast before you take them? My treat, I am sure they are hungry" I smiled and pointed. Yao nodded, and we walked to the bakery across the apartment complex. The children were thrilled to be inside the bakery, and Yao tried calming them down. Francis saw me from over the counter and smiled. "Ahhh!Arthur, I hope seeing you every morning will be usual, and I see you brought a neighbor with you; hello, Yao" Francis smiled at Yao, and Yao nodded, happy.

"Okay, you all can choose something off the menu," I told the children, and they nodded happily. "So, are you and Yao going out?" Francis laughed, and Yao and I both jumped. "I could ask the same of both of you," Yao added, looking away. Francis laughed with a slight blush creeping on his cheeks. "Only if Arthur wants to" Francis smiled at Yao, and Yao gave Francis a thumbs up. "Like hell, I would ever date him" I shook my head. All the children started trying to say what they wanted simultaneously, and Yao got mad, telling them one at a time. They went up to Francis so he could hear their order, and he smiled so nice and sweet at them. It was actually....cute. I snapped out of it once Francis asked what I wanted. "Wait, let me guess?" Francis stopped me. I nodded for him to continue, "the cheese omelet?" I nodded at his words and laughed a bit, realizing he knew what I had gotten. It was Yao's turn to order, and he just asked for some French toast. 

Francis turned to the kitchen to make our orders and returned in no time. Very quickly, actually. Quicker than I expected since it was so many orders, but he must be used to working fast by now. He brought the charges in small containers and slid them to us as he started to get the total ready. "Your total is 13.30€" he smiled brightly at me, and I handed him the money. Yao gave the food to the children, and Francis handed me mine. "I could have gotten it," I stated. "Yes, but what is the fun in that?" Francis smiled and patted my hand. "Have a great day at work, Arthur!" That was all we heard as we left the shop.
"I think he likes you," Yao teased. "I doubt he does; he is just super friendly. He is a good friend to me, plus I am a man" I pointed to myself, and Yao gave me a face that looked as if he was mentally saying, "really?..."

I looked over at the kids enjoying their food and smiled. I can not wait to meet my new class of students. "So, what grade level do you teach?" Yao asked, creating small talk.
"I teach bilingual for first and second graders," I smiled. "Wow, That is great to hear! You will probably have My angel of siblings," Yao breathed out, relieved that I could be their teacher. "Why do you look so relieved?" I asked. " is just the teachers were giving them a hard time with their French at their last school; since they mostly know an Asian language, it had been hard, but knowing you might have them relieves my nerves," Yao breathed out happy.
I was so surprised that any teacher would give a student a hard time.
"What languages do you know?" Yao asked

"I am fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Russian, and Korean. I am in the process of learning more, actually, so I know a bit of Japanese, Finnish, and Arabic. With some Braille and Sign on the side," I laughed nervously at my knowledge of languages. Yao was so shocked by my knowledge but soon got excited.
"If you aren't their teacher, I will protest," he joked. Once we arrived in front of the school, many parents walked in with their kids to find their classrooms.
"Well, I guess I have to go this way," I told Yao, pointing in the opposite direction. He nodded, and we parted ways. I arrived at the office and told them I was the new bilingual teacher. The lovely lady in the front nodded and explained everything to me, including my class number.
"Room 511" I had to remember that number. Once I made it to the room, the bell rang. 

Great I was late for my class. No worries, it is the first day. I opened the door and saw some of the children jumping around. I had no idea what the primary language was in this class, so I just spoke in French. "Everyone settles down," I announced and saw that everyone started to pay attention. I finally noticed the four children that Yao hoped were in my class were here. I smiled at them, and they looked so excited to see me. "What is the language you understand?" I announced to the roughly fifteen students in the room. And they did not understand.
"Español?" Only two students raised their hand
"English?" Three students raised their hands
"Deutsche?" Nothing again
"Italiano?" This time five hands went up.
"русский," one student raised his hand.
"Zhōngwén?" I asked, and Yao's kids raised their hands high.
It was odd to have such a mixed classroom, but I will do my best to communicate with everyone at once. I smiled at the challenge and started the class.

Thank you for reading so far!!!! More to come

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