Chapter eleven

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After living a year on my own in Paris, France, my life has had many exciting features. I have warmed up to the city and met many friendly people here in Paris. Francis has been a massive help in this; I have had many new experiences with him. Since Christmas is around the corner, I have decided to get him something nice as a thank you. I am thinking of making him a lovely scarf. Christmas is next week, so maybe I can go to the start and get supplies to get started on it. Today was Saturday, so it will be a perfect day to go out. I would not usually get someone a gift, let alone make them one, but he has been taking care of much as that is hard to admit. He is constantly checking on me and bringing me food. I suppose it is my turn to repay him for everything he does for me. Besides, what are friends for, right?...

That morning I took a bus to a supply store and looked at the yarn; I could not decide what color it would be or how it would look. I guess maybe this color? I touched some green and white. This would look nice on him for sure. I took the yarn and looked for some knitting needles. I soon took it to the desk to purchase. I should probably start it today since it will take so long. Good thing the school was closed for the winter break. That means I can work on the gift nonstop till it is finished. Once I paid the man, I smiled at him and walked out of the store. I was continuing in my thoughts. "Maybe I should make a plaid green and white scarf; that would be nice," I thought as I walked down the road to the bus stop. 

 As I walked, I noticed something I did not see before. It was a book store filled with some old used books. I decided to step in and take a look around. It was very well organized, and many books looked like they were made a hundred years ago. These books must be expensive if they are that old. I walked up to some bookshelves. I looked at the prices, and they were surprisingly cheap. That is when a particular book caught my eyes. I walked over and slid it out to read the full title. "100 ways to know if a Frenchman loves you" I laughed at the stupid title and opened it. "Who the hell makes these books" I laughed, opening it to read a few sentences. The pages were straightforward, and each factor was labeled with a number.

1. To first know if a Frenchman loves you, you must understand their body language; if the Frenchman suddenly gets happy or excited even when in a bad mood, that means they probably think you are interesting. With this, foot language is important too; if the Frenchman's feet are always pointed towards you, that means they really have a deep interest in you.

I held a hand up to my mouth and started laughing into it as I started to continue reading. All of this could be said for anyone. I mean, I think it could be...right? Then again...I probably would not be like this.

2. Another way to tell if the Frenchman loves you is that they always want to be around you or try to see you as much as possible.

Hmmmmm okay.....

3. A Frenchman loves to tease; teasing could be a factor in deciding if they have deep feelings for you. A Frenchman would want to see your reactions to certain things and will continue to do it constantly. However, they still can act highly kind to you.

These are getting a little weird. I forwarded my brows and tapped my chin with my finger as I started to read more.

4. The Frenchman wants to make you feel special; they will continue to bring you to surprise gifts, cook, or even give random compliments.

I closed the book and looked to see if anyone was watching me. This book is bizarre, but I am interested in knowing more. Francis was a good friend, I am sure he loves me as such, plus they did not specify which type of love. I walked up to the register and placed the book on the counter, trying to look away. "Your total is 9.44€," the lady said. I shuffled for my wallet and gave her 10€, grabbing the book I took off. I was urged to read the rest of the book when I got home. I hurried to the bus stop and sat down. I flipped over to the book's table of contents to look through it more.

Table of contents.

2-5 ten ways to know if a Frenchman is Interested in you.
6-11 ten ways to know if a Frenchman cares deeply for you
12-17 ten ways to know if a Frenchman is sexually attracted to you.
18-24 ten ways to know if a Frenchman has a crush on you
25-32 ten ways to know if a Frenchman loves you only as a friend.
33-37 ten ways to know if a Frenchman loves you romantically(in love)
38-44 ten ways to know if a Frenchman wants to marry you
45-50 ten ways to know if a Frenchman wants to be an acquaintance
51-54 ten ways to know if a Frenchman wants to be in a relationship with you.
55-60 ten ways to know if a Frenchman loves you as a family member

I looked back to the table of contests and flipped to page twenty-five to see if he liked me as a friend. It was there, so he probably wants me as a friend; we are both men.

1. the Frenchman will only check on you once in a while to see how your life is going, nothing serious.

2. The Frenchman will hardly ask to go out unless you are best friends, which is a likely chance.

3. The Frenchman won't overstep boundaries such as personal space or elbow room; they will stay at a distance that is comfortable for themselves first.

4. The Frenchman will talk about their significant others to you, or relationship problems or advice.

I closed the book and stopped reading. I had not finished the whole thing because I was pissed off. That damn frog does not do any of these things. That stupid bastard!

Thank you for reading so far

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