Chapter fourteen

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I worked every day trying to finish that scarf until I finally finished! Two days before Christmas Day. It came out fantastic. I did not want to get distracted with that book, so I put it in a box and taped that box, and gave that box to Yao to hold onto till I finished the scarf. Now I can finally finish what I started. Ever since that day when I first got the book, I had been paranoid about my feelings. I wonder if it would be all that bad if I did have feelings....for him.

 Yet I have no idea if that is even how he feels. I knocked on Yao's door, and he answered, looking exhausted. "Are you okay?" I asked, and he nodded; I looked over his shoulders and saw the children running around crazy. "Whoa" was all I could say; he moved aside and gestured for me to come in. "I am guessing you need the box?" He asked. I nodded, and he left to get the box. "Mr.Kirkland!!!" The children saw me and got excited to see me. It had been a while since I was their teacher. I was able to teach them French, and they picked up quickly. Yao was very proud of them by the end of last year's school year.

Yao came back with the box and handed it to me. "So what was in it?" He asked curiously. "Nothing too important," I laughed. I took the box and started to walk out, but the children kept holding onto my legs. "No, don't go," lei tried begging. "He has to go" Yao grabbed them and helped them back. I opened the door and managed to call out. However, I did not hit the ground as I thought. I opened my eyes and saw that Yao....caught me. Not only was this awkward since I was taller than Yao, but because Francis was standing in the hallway when it happened, and he saw. So there we were......looking at each other uncomfortable. "Ahhh, That is my bad-." Yao tried saying until the children came and pushed him down. He lost his balance and fell on top of me. I looked over to Francis, who had this strange look. Like his eyes were jealous....but that does not make sense.

I got up from the ground and stuck my hand out for Yao to grab, which he gladly took. "Uncle Arthur play with us!" The children chanted. "No i-wait. Uncle?" I said confused but they looked so happy. "Thank you for everything Yao" I patted his head and he nodded dragging his siblings back inside. I turned around and saw Francis look uncomfortable. "Ha, they are always full of energy" I laughed and held the box close to myself. Francis nodded at me suspiciously and started to open his door. "Hey, do you want to come over for sandwiches..?" I asked, smiling at him. 

He stopped suddenly and laughed while looking down. "What?" I asked, confused. He grabbed my hand gently but suddenly pulled me into his apartment. The door slammed behind us, and he pinned me against the door.

"Francis?" I asked, confused, continuing to hold the box close to me. "Arthur, do you love Yao?" He asked bluntly, with sadness. I lifted a brow, and my face became horrified. "No! We are just friends. We help each other out a lot," I said, trying to push him away. "Who is it that you love then?" he added. He was ridiculous now, and I had no idea what was happening with him. He placed his forehead on mine and made it back against the door. 

"Who?" I asked, confused. If he could pause for a bit so I could look through the book to figure it out, that would be great. "Yes! If you could be straightforward, that would be great. So I would not have to continue watching myself be this way" Francis gently moved the hair out of my face and smiled. Maybe he does feel that way. "Francis, are you in love with me?" I asked, confused. He started to laugh, and it scared me a bit. "You still have not realized it, Arthur? I guess that is my fault since I probably was not expressing my feelings enough" my eyes widened at his words. "Realized it"? Does that mean...I am the dense one?

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" I argued against what he said. I calmed down soon after and looked away. "Since when?" I asked, looking back at him. "Since a week after I first met you. You stole my heart and I fell in love with you" hearing him actually say it was different. I have no idea what to do.

"I..." was all I could say. I am such an idiot! "Arthur, I understand if you do not feel the same way. You are probably confused." He backed up from me, and I could take a deep breath. "Honestly.....if I did not buy a certain book I would not have realized for who knows how long" I admitted. He looked at me, confused, and I held up the box. I took out my pocket knife and placed the box on the table and started to cut it open. Francis watched curiously until I held the book up. "Lookie here," I said, handing him the book. He turned the book around to look at the title, and his eyes widened. "That is the only reason I somewhat noticed. I got the book a few days ago, and I was in denial about everything" I laughed awkwardly at my stupidity. He flipped through the pages and soon started laughing. I lifted a brow at his sudden outburst of laughter and he pulled me into a hug. "You are so dense" he smiled against my forehead. "Listen, Francis," I pulled away and took the book.

"I still do not know how I feel, let's just say I am on the fence" I scratched the back of my head and I expected him to be sad but he only smirked. "I will change that. I will help you realize how you feel" he pulled me in and kissed my cheek.

"You what!" I yelled, pushing him away, but he kept smiling at me. This guy! My feelings are not something to be manipulated. "As if" I crossed my arms but he still laughed and told me how I looked so cute when I was angry. I wanted to hit him.....but I couldn't, so I laughed along.

Thank you for reading so far

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