Nonsense: 삼

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*the day she sent the message*

"OH MY GOD!!!! AS IN OH MY GWHAAADDDDD!!! KYAHHHHH!!!!" I woke up because of the scream. Why screaming in the early morning???

"What's the commotion all about?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. When did I became sleepy?

"Yeri was getting married!" Irene-unnie excitedly said.

"WHAT???!!! NANIIIIII????!!!!! YERI, OUR MAKNAE WAS GETTING MARRIED???!!" I shouted at Irene-unnie. Was this a dream?! Why our maknae was the first one to get married?! Why not Irene-unnie?! And who is her future husband?

"Kidding~ Just trying to wake you up. And it works~" Irene-unnie said. IRENE.-UNNIE. SAID. WHEN DID SHE LEARN TO PRANK SOMEONE??!!!

"Anyways, have you text him already?" She asked curiously.

"Him? Who?" I innocently asked her.

"Whose who? Of course Suga-sunbaenim!" She exclaimed. Ah, I forgot about it. Hehehe.

"I haven't, why?" Why does she need to know? Maybe to know if I really asked Suga-sunbaenim.

"Well, just asking." She smiled. Creepy. Does she knew something that I don't know?

"Well, where's Wendy, Joy and Yeri?" I asked. I haven't hear their noises this morning.

"Ah, Joy and Yeri was already at their school, whilst Wendy was in SM Entertainment cause she needs to learn the new dance choreography. And if you are wondering why I was here, I just need to wake you up cause you are gonna die from sleeping to much." She explained it to me. Why would I die from sleeping to much? I don't even know why I became sleepy these days.

"What time is it, unnie?" I asked. I yawned a bit. I still feel sleepy. What should I do?

"Already past 4 p.m." She said. WHAT??!!! THAT CAN'T BE!!! AM I TOO SLEEPY?!! I THOUGHT IT'S STILL MORNING!!!

"I should get shower now." I said.

"Yeah, you're already stinking." Unnie said. I smell myself.

"I don't!" I run to the closet to find something to wear. I could still hear her Unnie's laughter. I don't stink! I never stink!

I just found some beige sweat shirt and a black loose pants. I think it's cute tho.

I just showered and get dressed. My stomach growls loudly. I'm hungry. I just remembered that I haven't eat since yesterday night. I should eat something.

I walked downstairs to found no one. Unnie already left. I walked to the kitchen and found a note from Unnie. It says;

Dear Seulgi,

Seulgi, sorry I haven't cook something. Yeri already ate the rest of the food that I made. You know that kid is too hungry like you. Don't worry I left money so you can buy foods for you. I put the money at the counter, near the table napkins.

From: Irene-Unnie❤

I found the money, it was ₩700,000. It was too much. I just shrugged it off and just grabbed my black coat, phone and my wallet. It was near winter now.

Once I got out of the house, I walked through the bus station.

It was already 6: 00 p.m. Am I too slow?
Oh! Right. I haven't message Suga-sunbaenim! I should message him now!
BUT what should I text to him?

I grabbed my phone out of my coat and put Suga-sunbaenim's phone number. Good thing I still remember his phone number tho.


Me: Good afternoon, Suga-sunbaenim!

What if he reads this in morning not afternoon? Erase Erase Erase!

Me: Hello! Do you probably knew Irene?

What if he didn't knew that Unnie was a kpop idol like him? Erase Erase Erase!

Me: Do you know Bae Joohyun?

Too straightforward. What should I send?!

Me: Hi! I'm kang Seulgi. I just wanna
  ask if you know Bae Joohyun?

Perfect! I'll send it now!

Me: Hi! I'm Kang Seulgi. I just wanna
ask if you know Bae Joohyun?
6:30 PM 

*sighs* Finally, I had done it! Wai— The bus was already here, I should get going! I'm hungry.ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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