Nonsense: 십이

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I was awakened by the sound of my phone ringing. What is it now?

I get up and grabbed my phone. I answered the call.

"Who was this?" I asked with a raspy morning voice.

"Ooops!!! Sorry, wrong number!" A woman in the other line apologized. So I was awakened by a wrong number? As if you could fool me.

"What is it, Mom?" I asked her. Who would get wrong number if my number was very unique among any other number? Like it's 010-1444-9666. It has the korean and american devil's number.

"Hehehe. You've got me there, Son. I just wanna ask if you got any day off on October." She really has a very soothing voice. My mom should be a kpop idol in her early age.

"Why? Is there any problem on there?" I worriedly asked. It's been a while since I got home in Daegu.

"Nothing, it's just that I missed my boiled dumpling in here at Daegu~ Love ya, Son. Hehehe."  Why do she always mention about me looking like a boiled dumpling?

"Well, I guess I should go back there." I shrugged as if she could see me.

"Really?!!! Hope you'll good at there and go get yourself a girlfriend! You troll! Bye bye!" Then she ended the call just like that. Now you know where do I got that kind of attitude.

Getting myself a girlfriend eh...
That's kinda hard for me



I'm still estactic about what happened at the nearby park. Yohann, hope I'll see you again.

I was walking towards SM Entertainment when I saw a Kpop Store. Well, nothing will go wrong right?

I walked inside the Kpop Store. It's cute and cozy.

I saw our group's section. I walked towards it.

I was suprised when my group was besides BTS-sunbaenim. But I was more suprised to see me and Suga-sunbaenim's poster were besides each other.

He really looks so handsome. I can't deny that fact.

I think I should buy some of his poster. It will be alright.

My phone rang, so I got out of the store. It was our manager, saying that I should be in SM Entertainment right now.

Well, I guess I can't buy that merch now. Maybe later on.


A/N: Do anyone realised that Seulgi's POV was on two-liner? If yes, You can be able to solve a math equation! Just kidding😂 This is just a teaser.

This is counted as chapter twelve, but I don't think I will continue this chapter since I'm facing a critical crisis. I'M ON A WRITER'S BLOCK!

No worries, this is the only chapter that will have an inconvinience like this. I hope so.

Without much further do, Belated Merry Christmas and let's spread love and quit the hate. #GetWellSoonWendy.

Ps: Please remember the story's title. It's Nonsense, like me😭.

Pps: Please Stream Map of the Soul: 7 'Interlude: Shadow comeback trailer' That song is a bop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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