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Jacks POV
"What's up youtube! Today imma be following around Claudia secretly. We're gonna be spying on her." I say to the camera as Johnson holds it.

"I turned on her location with me so she shares it with me. And we're gonna follow her." I take my phone out and check her location. "So right now she's heading to the gym. So I guess that's we're we are going."

"But first we need to get in appropriate attire so she don't recognize me." I go and put on her leggings and one of her tank tops. I put her cardigan over it and throw on her slides. "This is perfect, let's go."

Johnson and I get in the Jeep and head to the gym. Once we get there Johnson's parks and I take the camera back out. "Bro I don't see her little nasty ass." I say looking around.

"I see her on the treadmill." Johnson says pointing her out.

I point the camera that way. She gets done and starts walking out. She walks to her car and gets in. "Follow her."

She started driving off and we follow her. She pulls in to target. "What is her ass getting at target. We don't need anything from here."

Johnson finds a parking spot and we follow her in. He points the camera at me. "I don't know what she could possibly need at target. I can't find her ass anywhere." I look around and then step back.

"Bro she's in the candy isle. Of course her fat ass would be in the candy isle." Johnson points the camera that way and she grabs hot Cheetos and sour patch kids, my favorite.

She then pulls her phone out and calls me. We walk away quickly. "Guys she's calling me so we have to act completely normal."

*phone call*
J= Jack.
C= Claudia
J: What's up baby
C: hi babe, I'm at target and I got sour patch kids for you, do you want anything else?
J: Nah I think that's fine.
C: okay. I'm going to Starbucks after did you want a drink?
J: No I just Postmated some food for us girl.
C: okay I'll be home in like 30 traffic was hectic on my way here.
J: oh alright
C: I love you bye
J: I love you too bye

We see her walk to the register and we leave to the car.

"Bro she's on her way to Starbucks so let's meet her there." Johnson drives to Starbucks and we park and wait for her.

She finally pulls in and parks and get our. "Who the hell she looking good for damn." I say pointing the camera at her.

Minutes later she comes out with two Starbucks drinks.

"Who is the other drink for? Didn't I say I didn't want one?" I ask looking at Johnson. He shrugs his shoulders.

She gets in her car and starts driving to a little apartment complex, Johnson and I park and I jump out.

I start pressing the elevator buttons. "This is why you don't spy on your fiancé all day because then you find stuff like this." I keep pressing it and she comes out and I turn around.

"Jack?" She says laughing.

"No it's not me. That's not my name." I say hiding.

She comes up to me looking at the outfit. "Why do you have my clothes on?" She says laughing.

"Whose the other drink for?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"They're for stassie. You know she lives here weirdo." She says smiling.

I smile and she hugs me. "Why were you following me around?"

"It was a video, it's called like following my fiancé around." I say smiling.

"Well end the video and let's go home, I'm starving." She says smiling.

"Me too!" Johnson pipes in.

I end the video, and we all go get food.

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