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Jinyoung walked home with Daehwi on his back, Daehwi was trying his best to stay awake but his eyes kept on dropping. The rides that they went on really exhausted Daehwi, who knows how Jinyoung manages to save his own energy. Jinyoung dug out his keys unlocking the door, he enters his home quietly. He dropped off their bags on the sofa before carrying Daehwi up the stairs.

"I... thought.. you said... I wou-would sleep.. with G-Geon.."

"Someone might break in here, I don't trust you to be out alone with the old tired Geon."

Jinyoung lowered Daehwi on his bed and tucked him under the covers letting him sleep. Jinyoung stood up before feeling someone's presence.

"And I stand corrected."

Jinyoung muttered, he waited a little longer before attempting to reach over for the pistol that was left in the drawer of the nightstand.

"Jinyoung. Kill the targets I assigned, or else that boy there gets it."

"Leave him out of this."


The person said as Jinyoung felt something pierced through the school uniform.

"This is your final warning Jinyoung."

Jinyoung took a deep breath again before turning around to meet no one but the dark corners of his room. Jinyoung touched the back of his shoulders feeling the ripped spot of his uniform. He sighed before changing out to his comfortable clothes. He checked his shoulder in case of bleeding, luckily there was none. He made himself comfortable with the small spot of the bed shared with Daehwi. As he was going to fall asleep, he felt his right arm being grabbed and hugged on, he glanced over to see the sleeping Daehwi clinging onto his arm. Jinyoung reached over with his free hand caressing the other's hair and stared at his peaceful face to sleep.


Daehwi woke up first, he shifts around in bed before meeting Jinyoung's face. He panicked then fell off the side of the bed causing a loud thud. Jinyoung woke up from the noise to see Daehwi not by his side. He stretched before looking over the other side to see Daehwi laying on the ground covering his face. After a second, Daehwi slowly moved his hands apart revealing his face to Jinyoung.

"Hehe... Good morning..."

Daehwi said shyly as Jinyoung just climbed out of bed, leaving him still laying on the ground. Once the door closes again, Daehwi sat up looking over the surface of the bed to be the only person in the room for now. He sighed before fixing up the bed and headed out the room. As Daehwi headed down the stairs, Geon met him at ground level along with Jinyoung holding a spare cup of coffee. Jinyoung handed over the coffee then proceeded back up to his room to get ready for school. Jinyoung took off his comfortable clothes and laid them on a chair nearby as he grabs his towel and go in his own room restroom. Daehwi played with Geon as he drinks away the coffee that Jinyoung gave him. After finishing and putting the cup away, Daehwi went back up and opened the bedroom door forgetting about his school uniform and it sure was something he doesn't wanna see again. Jinyoung exit the restroom with the towel around his waist as he messes around with his wet hair. He turned his head towards the bedroom door to see Daehwi standing there frozen as a sculpture.

"Just how many times are you going to act shocked when you see my body? This is the 3rd time. No, 4th?"

Jinyoung questioned Daehwi, Daehwi didn't hear of course, too focused on staring at Jinyoung's body. Jinyoung sighed again as he just move over to his school uniform. He only grabbed them then go back to the restroom. Daehwi stood there, feeling his cheeks burn, he really forgot why he came to the room.

"Ah! That's right."

Daehwi said as he remembers, he went to the chair by the closet picking up his uniform. As he got to the door, Jinyoung closed the bedroom door and made Daehwi faced him. As what Daehwi examined, Jinyoung have his clothes on other than the buttoned shirt being undone completely.

"J-Jinyoung hyung..."

Daehwi stuttered which led Jinyoung to smirk, Daehwi did his best to not stare at both his lips or body. Jinyoung grabbed hold of one of Daehwi's hands before moving it towards his own body. Daehwi felt his abs, chest, scars, and nipples, Daehwi wanted to pull his arm back but Jinyoung tightened his grip and continue to do what he was doing. Jinyoung traveled the younger's hand all the way towards the wound that Daehwi first shot him.

"W-what? Did you get shot?"

Daehwi asked as he felt a small gap around Jinyoung's shoulder.

"All of these scars you felt, that's what I lived with since the day I escaped the orphanage. The death of your parents wasn't my idea, nor do I have the motivation to go kill them despite your father doing terrible things."

Jinyoung explained deciding that he should spill the explanation that he has been wanting to do since he was caught by Daehwi. Knowing it would be about his family, Daehwi glared up to meet Jinyoung's eye.

"Who set you up.. what were you before? You couldn't have received this many scars."

Jinyoung let go of Daehwi, he buttoned up his uniform before placing both of his hands besides Daehwi's head.

"I'm not the kid you used to know, I'm not that type of happy pill I was back then. Ever since I was hit by a car, I nearly died. Sure, some revenge came to mind.. I grew up, firstly, only as an assassin."

Jinyoung said as Daehwi was taken surprise to hear about his friend. What was said next made Daehwi more speechless.

"Because I refused to try and kill your parents first, you were threatened to be killed. And because of you, the very beginning where we first met. You shot me with my own gun not knowing how to wield it properly."

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