Chapter One-Awkward

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The bright light came blasting over me in a sudden wave of heat. Groaning slightly I peeled my eyes open to see what the world was like.

Squinting I shouted dramatically, "Aliens' is that you?!"

"You're such a drama queen," I heard my best friend huff looking out the window by the now opened curtains.

"Says you Mr 'The lizards are going to take over the world'," I quipped back with a smug grin at Riley who is now rolling his eyes.

"Hey at least my conspiracy theory could be true," He replied with a self-satisfied smile.

In return I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. It isn't unusual that Riley is here this early in the morning considering he only lives next door; we've been friends since we were five and spent a lot of time together. After a quick shower and a new pair of clothes I went back into my room to style my hair. When I walked back into my room Riley was sat on my desk chair spinning slightly whilst looking bored on his phone. As I entered he looked up and immediately and had that light in his blue eyes.

"Hi Archie," he greeted me and got up from the chair he was sitting on.

Once I'd quickly styled my blonde hair so the slight curls sit perfectly on my head, we headed downstairs.

"Hi boys," My mum said brightly as we walked into the kitchen for breakfast. When walking through the door I managed to miss my mum trying to ruffle my hair but she was too quick with Riley. He didn't seem to mind my mum messing up his hair slightly and just sat down looking excited for food. If it was possible his hair looked even better.

"Nice hair," I joked but kind of meant it at the same time. He replied in his slightly uneven smile that made everyone feel better no matter what.

Mum placed down a plate of pancakes with a variety of supply's to put on them.

"Help yourselves," She said looking at us contently.

My sister entered the room looking down at her phone. When she sat down she made the small effort to say hello to us then went back to ignoring the real world.


On the way to school Riley and I entwined hands like we've always done but this time it felt slightly different. Deciding to ignore what felt unusual about this situation we carried on walking and joked to each other.

We unlinked hands as we got closer to school because we do not want to be made fun of again liked we had been all throughout primary so, we made a pact to try and fit in when it came to secondary. I missed his hand in mine; my hand suddenly feeling cold. Putting my hands into my pockets we walked into the building that was looming over us only a few seconds ago. We still walked close to each other and occasionally bashed shoulders playfully.


At our lockers we waited for our other friends that we aren't as close to as each other. The three of them came in a group together all laughing and joking.

"Hey," I said leaning against my locker.

"Hi," Sam replied then Porter and Rose waved behind him.

We got what we needed from our lockers and walked to first lesson once the bell had rung.

My first class is Biology but Riley isn't in this lesson. I hate having lessons without Riley because I want to be with him all the time. He just makes my life so much better and happier. Although one good thing is that I get to sit next to Rose.


I walked into my Biology classroom and sat down at the table by the back next to Rose. Rose and I have been friends since the first day of secondary school.

She looked over at me and fluttered her insanely long eyelashes in my direction. One of her fingers is wrapping around a caramel strand of hair and she bites her lip at me...seductively? No she can't be doing that. It's just my mind playing tricks on me.

Her hand trailed up my leg and all I wanted to do was bat it away. Rose is like a sister to me I'd never see her like that. Trying to ignore her I paid all my attention on the elderly man teaching us. His name is Mr Jason and he has to be over seventy, he wears a brown wig that is cheep and matted in places. The wig is so bad you can see some of his grey hair and bald spots underneath.

The agonisingly long lesson about cells and specialised cells is finally over. I nearly cheered of joy as I walked through the door leaving that boring lesson behind.


When it got to lunch I am happy to see that Riley is already at the table. Seeing the empty place next to him I sit there and take out my lunch. Our other friends join us but it's a bit awkward between Rose and I after I told her to stop about three times last lesson. We didn't let it get in the way of lunch though, we just tried to act normal although it was a little bit obvious that we are acting differently towards each other.


After school Riley and I decided to have a sleepover and movie night. Our parents didn't care that it was a school night because we practically live at each others houses anyway. We selected a good amount of movies to get us through the night. Some of the choices included:

-A random pick Harry Potter film (A lucky dip)


-The conjuring

-The conjuring two

-Woman in black

And lastly Love, Simon.

We went onto Riley's bed ready for the film.


Thank you if you have read this part. This is only going to be a short story. I hope you enjoyed the next one will be up soon.


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