Chapter Four-Movies

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I'm currently sitting at the back of the class waiting for the clock to say school is over. Today is the day I'm going to confess to Riley that at least I'm confused about my sexuality, if that goes well I might just about be able to muster up enough courage to tell him I might like him. As it gets closer to the end of the day the clock ticking starts to become louder in my ears. My anxiety grew as the clock became louder and louder creating an overwhelming ticking sound.

After an agonisingly long wait the bell finally rung. My chair scraping slightly as I got up. I started to run. I literally just ran out of school.


Riley is waiting on the steps outside standing under the sheltered bit of the roof. He's on his phone probably playing video games or reading.

"Hey," I said walking up to him trying to act casual.

"Hi," Riley replied to engrossed in whatever he's doing on his phone to look up.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked playfully.

"Eating chocolate," he answered sarcastically.

"Where ya get it?" I replied grinning.

"Doggy dropped it," he retorted smiling putting away his phone.

As I looked at him his eyes were glistening with that same light that's always there.

"I miss Diary of a wimpy kid," I exclaimed shrugging with a slight sigh as we walk along the path. No one is really around so we held hands like normal, although this time I felt a slight spark; which I don't know if Riley did but I kind of hope so. We decided to walk to the movie theatre because it's not too far away.

"So what do you want to watch?" I questioned looking at him then to the list of films in front of us.

"I don't know they all look good," he said looking at me grinning.

"Well what genre of film do you feel like watching?"

He blushed a little then looked at me "Um a romantic comedy."

I laughed a little bit and nodded my head as an okay. We both know that that is his favourite genre and that I didn't mind watching them with him. I'd never (and never will) admit it but I do love these films.


After Riley choose a film to watch, I being the gentleman I am brought the tickets despite Riley's protests.

"You guys make such a cute couple," the lady at the booth commented handing us our tickets. I instantly turned a crimson red colour.

"Oh we're not a couple," Riley chuckled.

I wish we were.

Archie shut up! Wait did I just refer to myself in third person?

"Earth to Archie," Riley said waving his hand in my face pulling me away from my thoughts.

I jumped slightly causing us to start laughing in unison.


We headed into the screening room with snacks that Riley insisted on buying because I'd already got the tickets. Finding our seats we sat down ready to watch the film.

Once the movie had started after the annoyingly long advertisement I tried to pay attention to it. But all I could do was glance at the screen then carry on staring at Riley. Even in this dark light his eyes glistened.


The movie finished too fast and I couldn't help but feel worried as we came out the theatre.

"Hey I have something to confess to you," Riley said stopping my train of thought.

"You can tell me anything," I replied holding his hand in mine.

" promise it won't change our friendship," he said panicked.

"I promise," I answered back sincerely.

Taking a deep breath he looked into my eyes and said "I'm gay," he looked away for a second then looked back at me probably trying to decipher my expression then carried on rambling and said "also I'm insanely in love with you which is okay if you don't love me back like that I've never known if you're gay or strai-."

I cut him of kissing him passionately, it's like finally everything makes sense. The whole room around us blurred away until it disappeared. Yes I was kissing my best friend but it felt like I'm kissing my soulmate. Riley is my soulmate.

We are meant to be together.

Thank you if you have read this part.


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