Chapter Three-Rileyisthebest

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It's been a few weeks and I've come to the conclusion that I'm in fact not straight. I'm still confused though. I've thought my whole life that I'd marry a woman but now think that I might be falling for my best friend. My straight best friend. My straight best friend who's a guy. I'm so stupid.

I logged onto my laptop after seeing a notification pop up.

Rileyisthebest: Hey

Archieisbetter: Hey

Rileyisthebest: Are you okay? You've been acting different for the past few weeks.

Archieisbetter: How forward. XD

Rileyisthebest: Ha Ha. But seriously I'm worried.

Archieisbetter: I'm fine just trying to work some stuff out.

Rileyisthebest: What stuff?

Archieisbetter: That is not yet to be disclosed. :)

Rileyisthebest: Fine, you will tell me at some point right? :)

Archieisbetter: Of course just not yet...

Archieisbetter: Also I was thinking that maybe we can go see a movie soon.

Rileyisthebest: Okay, sounds fun :)

Rileyisthebest: What movie did you have in mind? :)

Archieisbetter: I'm not sure yet, you can decide.

Rileyisthebest: Who's taken my best friend and where is he!?

Archieisbetter: ???

Rileyisthebest: If you were the real Archie you would want to pick the movie. I remember our first ever argument was about it. XD

Rileyisthebest: Wait you're not a lizard or something?

Archieisbetter: No and I've changed since we were seven...a little. XD

Archieisbetter: Anyway I want you to decide.

Rileyisthebest: Okay. How exciting!! XD

Rileyisthebest: ...Sorry I've got to go my dad is calling for me to come downstairs.

Archieisbetter: Okay. See you tomorrow.

Rileyisthebest: Tomorrow :)

Archieisbetter: Bye :)

Rileyisthebest: Byeeee XD

I smiled as I looked at our screen names from when we were kids. It's so easy to just imagine that I'm actually talking to Riley in person and not some computer. I always feel better after talking to him.

After a while of reading I decided to go to bed. As I tried to drift off to sleep I thought about the film I asked Riley to. On that night I'm going to confess that I'm confused. At least that's the plan.

The hardest part is not over yet...


Thank you if you have read this chapter. I'll try to get the next one up soon.


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