Chapter Six-Archieisbetter

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We'd been dating for about a month now. Already I know Riley is the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for. He's sweet, kind and caring. I'm definitely in love with him, not that I've told him that yet. It may be soon but I think I've secretly been in love with him for years and just didn't realise I did or that I am gay.  I thought it was about time to tell my mum and sister about being gay and dating my best friend so I messaged Riley about it.

Archieisbetter: Hi

Rileyisthebest: Hey <3

Archieisbetter: <3

Archieisbetter: So I was thinking...

Rileyisthebest: Oh no XD

Archieisbetter: Hey! XD

Rileyisthebest: Sorry... Anyway carry on :)

Archieisbetter: Maybe I should come out to my mum and sister...

Rileyisthebest: Wow okay, you should do what's right for you <3

Archieisbetter: I think I'm ready but would you be okay if I told them about our relationship? <3

Rileyisthebest: I guess :)

Archieisbetter: You guess? Babe I want to make sure that you're sure <3

Rileyisthebest: I'm sure <3

Archieisbetter: Good :)

Archieisbetter: I'm going to tell them tomorrow it's getting late. <3

Archieisbetter: Will you tell them with me? :)

Rileyisthebest: Of course :)

Rileyisthebest: Goodnight xxx <3

Archieisbetter: Goodnight xxx <3

So, tomorrows the day I tell them. I looked out the window at the darkening night seeing the first stars start to appear.

I laid in my bed excited about seeing Riley but anxious about telling my mum. I'm hoping she'll be fine about it. I haven't ever heard any homophobic comments. I'll just try and hope for the best. Shutting my eyes I tried to fall into a deep slumber.


Thank you so much if you have read this part.


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