Chapter Two-Test result

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I woke up next to Riley in his bed. We'd pretty much passed out after the movies yesterday. My arm was loosely wrapped around him which we normally thought was funny when we woke up like that. His brown hair is dishevelled over his face and his eyelashes slightly fluttered as he slept.

He looks really cute...wait why am I thinking that? But I couldn't help but stare at him as he looked so peaceful. My hand reached out and gently moved the hair away from his eyes, he started to stir from his slumber so I moved my hand back quickly. Just before he woke up I took my arm away from his waist.

"Good morning!" I shouted brightly to annoy him.

"Morning idiot," he groaned his voice raspy. Riley lifted his head a little just enough to get the pillow and whack me around the head with it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed laughing slightly.

"That's what you deserve for shouting so early in the morning," he retorted pouting.

I looked at him grinning, my eyes drifted down to his lips they looked so kissable right now. As soon as I thought that I knew I needed to leave.

"I-I've got to um go," I stuttered before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

"Bye then!" I heard Riley shout sounding discombobulated and disappointed.

Running down the stairs at a rapid pace I sped to my house in a hurry.


Once in my room I opened my laptop loading up a web browser. The search bar popped up so I Googled:

Am I gay?

A whole display of websites came up for tests and signs that could possibly mean that your gay. My heart rate started to race as I thought about clicking on one of the many tests. Was it even possible for a test to display what your sexuality could be? With a slight gulp I picked the first test out of the large variety.


Finishing the test I was about to go to the next slide to see the result when my mum came into the room.

"What are you doing sweetheart?" She asked her voice caring and curious.

"Oh nothing," I said putting my laptop screen down "I uh don't feel very well can you call the school saying I can't come in."

"Okay. But are you sure you don't feel well? Or is this about Riley?" She questioned.

"N-no why would it be?" I asked panic laced in my tone of voice.

"It's just you two are like an old married couple so it's weird seeing you like this, I figured it was something to do with Riley."

The word that stuck out the most was couple. Did people really think that?

"No mum it's not about Riley. Please just leave me alone," I retorted a little too harshly.

"Oh okay then," my mum said sounding a little upset.

"Look mum I'm sorry. I just want to be alone," I said trying to sound apologetic rubbing my hand on my forehead.

"Well okay," she replied closing the door behind her.

Opening back up my laptop I clicked the mouse pad so it came alive again; clicking the final result button waiting for it to load up. The little loading bubbles which bounced on the page took an agonisingly long time load.

It finally appeared on the screen:

Did we get it right?

After all that waiting their asking me if I know. If I knew my sexuality would I really be taking a stupid test about it on the internet?

I spent all day on my laptop panicking and have the 'what if I'm gay moment' (also known as gay panic). Surly a test couldn't determine what your sexually is, I'm just acting stupid. Lots of people probably find their best friend attractive. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I'm straight. I know I am so why do I keep having to tell myself that it's true.


"Dinners ready!" Mum shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah Mum. I'll be down soon!" I called back.

All day I haven't been able to stop thinking about Riley. I'm overthinking this whole thing, I'm straight and just need to forget about today.

Going downstairs I walked into the kitchen seeing Riley sitting there. A wave of butterflies washed over me and I couldn't help but instantly smile. What's wrong with me? I can't be feeling like this. I'm straight. Riley's straight.

"Mum why's Riley here?" I asked panicked.

"I knew there was something wrong!" Mum exclaimed with a mischievous grin on her face.

"There's nothing wrong mum," I replied with a sigh then sat down at the table.

Luckily throughout dinner my mum made the most conversation. Surprisingly my sister spoke to us a little and even put her phone down.


Riley and I walked up to my room after dinner. Seeing that my laptop was still open displaying my recent google searches I slammed the lid shut.

"What's up with you today?" He asked sitting on my bed.

I sat next to him shaking my head "It's nothing don't worry about it."

"How could I not worry about it? Your my best friend," he exclaimed looking directly into my eyes.

"You don't have to. Don't worry nothings wrong," I replied trying not to focus on all the intricate details of his eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly.

"Yep I'm sure," I replied popping the p.

"Okay," He said looking at me dubiously.


Hi, if you read this I hope you enjoyed. I'll post the next chapter soon.


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