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Shadow's p.o.v

Leo and Raph finally run in, Leo says "why are you guys torturing us?!" They grab out their weapons, I roll my eyes and dodge all their attacks. I push a button on my new invention, it made a force field around me, they kept on trying to hit me. Too bad they couldn't even get close now, I set Louisa down and say "someone tell me what happened to her. Why is she evil?" They look at me surprised "the foot took her, we thought it was under your orders. Since, ya know, ya like the girl, and she came back here last night fighting us" Raph explained.

I look at the unconscious girl sad and concerned "Donnie, please, help us.... we miss you" Leo says, I look up and glare at them. "You think I'm gonna come back just because Louisa has changed?! Tough, because I'm not. Good-" I get cut off by a punch to the face, I hit my force field and look at who punched me "hey." Louisa says as she grabs out her kunais and gets in a battle stance while smirking at me. "I forgot to tell all of you my name..... Wild Card, now drop the field Shadow" she says.

I look at her surprised "I'm only fighting you so they won't have me restrained when I wake up!" I say annoyed and grab out my claws. She smirks "finally, I always wondered who was the stronger one" we fought, she's over powering me. She sighs "I thought you would've put more of a fight, eh some people are bound to be wrong at some point." I growl and say "just wait" I fight with all my might, she starts to get her back close to the force field. She looks at me and kicks me in the plastron, my shell hit the field, I try to get back up, but she steps on my plastron.

"Such a shame, later loser" she punches me, I get a bloody nose, and she takes my watch that's controlling the force field. She pushes a few buttons and now it's only around her as she walks away from us all saying "Wild card works alone." I look up at my bros, they're all looking at me with wide eyes "but I thought you were the stronger one." I look down at the floor at Mikey's words, the one reason why I turned evil.... just beat me at my own game. I sit up and let a few tears fall "I can't even be bad correctly!" I yell out and slam my fists down.

I know they're all looking at me, I just take off my black mask and throw it in front of me "Donnie...." Leo says. He put his hand on my shoulder, so I look up at him as my tears still fall down my face. He's looking at me concerned, I sigh and say "of the only reason why I started being bad was because I wanted to get back at you guys. Also because....... because Louisa hurt me really bad, emotional wise, so I was gonna do the same back. Now she even one upped me in that! I'm always being one upped! It's...... kinda disappointing. I can't do anything right."

Mikey hugs me saying "you do alot of things right!" I scoff and say "name five!" "Well for one ya made retro-mutagen to fix April's dad." I smile at Raph "you saved Louisa when we first met her" Leo says making me smile, I wait for something else. Mikey then says "you put Fugitoid back together when we were in space!" I forgot about that. "How about you're basically the reason why April is our friend, if you didn't say somethin about saving her, Splinter wouldn't have agreed." I smile at that "we can't forget right now" Leo says, I look at him confused "you're joining the team again."

I raise an eyebrow "I didn't say that" they look at me surprised "I'm not joining the team, but I'm also not against you guys right now. I'm not joining those other guys again either, I am just here to help get my best friend back." Mikey looks at me confused "why?" I rub my temples saying "because my reasons of why I turned bad are still true. None of you guys really appreciate what I do! And not to mention you guys always pick on me." Raph chuckles and says "so? I pick on Mikey and he's not leaving the team" Mikey looks down at the floor.

"Well.... since we're being honest, Raph I really don't like it when you pick on me, it's only me you pick on!" Mikey says as a tear leaves his eye. I raise my eyebrows and say "see! Our constant picking and bickering with eachother needs to stop. Or at least go down a notch" Leo sighs and says "let's not talk about this right now, we need to get Louisa back. So first we get Stockman and see what he did to her, more than likely he'll know what happened." I nod in agreement "that's where I found her too, with Stockman, she was knocked out on the floor."

Louisa's p.o.v

I'm still in my head, literally, Baxter tampered with the worm, making the mind-controlled me think that she's an actual person. That I'm just a voice that's here to annoy her, I can take over her dreams, but besides that I have no control. "Hey! Hey, Wild Card!" She growls and says "what?!" In her head so she won't sound crazy. I furrow my eyebrows "well I'm bored, and I know you're hungry, I can feel what you feel too ya know." She scoffs and thinks "okay then smart girl, where am I supposed to go? I'm a mutant."

I roll my eyes "just think of being human, and keep that in mind until you get to this place I tell you to go, okay?" She's hesitant, but does as I say. She turned human "okay, how'd you know that'd work?" I laugh and say "like I said, I'm you. Remember that old movie place you think needs shut down?" "Yeah, it looks run down." "Close to there is a little place called '24/7' this blind man will be working the counter. He'll call you Louisa, and know you're hungry, and serve you food, just accept it, and pretend to be nice."


Like I said before, I am really really really bored, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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