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Louisa's p.o.v

-in coma-

I walk around, I can hear Donnie's voice talking to me, but he can't hear a single thing I say, I know... I've tried alot of times. "Louisa, please be okay.... it's almost been a month!" I shake my head and say "what do you mean?" This is so confusing. "Donnie! I hear you 24/7! I don't understand.... what took a month?" I ask going to tears. "Please, I.... I don't wanna lose you" memories start flooding back, I fainted after the worm got out of me. Donnie even kissed her to help get me back, oh my god.... does that mean I was his first kiss? Or Wild Card? I have no idea.

I sit down, so I've been out for almost a month..... more tears fall down my face "I can't lose you" I hear Donnie say. "Wait.... maybe if I perfect the mutagen to turn you back to human... m-maybe that will get you up." I look around me for what felt like the thousandth time, I see nothing except myself. I hear some type of explosion "just like the old times" I say to myself as Donnie coughs are heard. I shake my head and laugh a little, imagining soot on his face, his adorkable turtle face I miss.

After awhile I hear yells "Leo I can't give her up, and you know that! I am not leaving this room just to make you guys happy. I WANT TO BE HAPPY FOR ONCE, AND I CAN'T UNLESS I HAVE HER!!!" Donnie yelled out. I hear Leo yell, it's kind of muffled, but I can manage "Donnie we're worried just as much as you are about her. But YOU CAN'T JUST SHUT US OUT!! We're your family for shells sakes!" It got quiet after that. "Leo I know you guys are caring alot right now, but I am not leaving her side, not until she wakes up."

I hear a small sigh "okay.... no, I care about her just as much as you do! Have you ever thought of you not being the only one to love her?!" I can feel myself blushing. Leo.... likes me? Did he also say he's not the only one? I need to get up and help them with this. "Guys I'm here, I'm okay!! Please just hear me!" I yell out, but I got no response out of them. "You WHAT?! Leo you are such an ignoramus fool! Now we're stuck in a situation, and we can't figure it out without her. Louisa wake up!" Donnie yells again, I try my best, but to my success I just made my view change.

Now all I see is a beach, this is so stupid! "Please don't fight over me, neither of you should like me anyways! I am unlovable. Get over me!" I yell out, a storm starts taking over my view now, what even is this? The weather changed by my mood. I hear another explosion "Donnie, just quite it! You're gonna end up hurting yourself gosh darn it." He sighs "what can I do?" He asks himself "please just give me some sort of sign, I can't do this alone." I can't do anything, so I just drop to my knees and start crying "I-I can't help, I'm sorry you guys."

No one's p.o.v

Donnie cries a little as Louisa's body just layed there, after all this time, she's getting close to dying because she hasn't moved at all. Leo felt bad about telling Donnie about his not-so-small crush on the girl turtle, but Leo just wanted Donnie to know he's not alone. Donnie looks at the mutagen in anger "why can't I fix you?!" Donnie asks himself as he cries more. His bros figured out how to pick the lock on the lab door sometime a week ago, so Raph runs in. Mikey rushed in right after, Leo came in too, and they all see Donnie crying about the mutagen and Louisa.

Louisa is still listening in on all of this as she's still in her coma, neither April or Casey visited for the past month, they didn't wanna see Louisa out. Donnie looks up at his bros with sadness in his eyes, and tears still streaming down his face. "You tried your best Don, maybe it's time to let go..." Raph said with a tear leaving his eye. That made Donnie furious "no! I'm not giving up! I just.... can't decipher what to do about this. I don't know what to do with the mutagen, my brain is being stupid!" Donnie cries out, Leo put his hand on Don's shoulder.

"You'll get this Don, just have patience" Donnie shoved Leo's hand away and says "can I be alone guys?" They all agreed, and left the smart turtle in the lab. "Louisa.... you've done so much for me, listened to me.... comforted me.... you never really gave up on me when I was Shadow either. I just..... wanna apologize if I can't get you awake, it's just I can't perfect the retro-mutagen." Louisa cries while she's still in her coma, feeling bad she can't comfort Donnie at all right now. Donnie sighed as he swayed a bit in his spinny chair, they both say "I'm sorry" in unison.

Donnie starts to think of something "hey you remember how we used to sing with eachother?" Louisa sniffles but says "mhmm." Donnie didn't know she answered, but continued anyway "I'll s-sing to you.... for good old times." Donnie breathed in and out as he had to think on what to sing.... well he didn't need to sing on the situation at hand, but okay.

"Louisa... you gleamed and glowed....

You let your power shine....

I wish I can make the clock reverse~"

As Donnie sang, the heart monitor connected to Louisa stopped beeping, but Louisa can still hear Donnie sing.

"Bring back what once was mine *tears fall from his face*

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates' design!

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine....

What once was mine~........"

A tear of Donnie's made it into the mutagen, it glowed a bright golden, blinding Donnie, but that made the heart monitor start beeping again. Louisa can hear everything more clearly, and when the glowing stopped.....


Oh my gosh, sorry for the cliffhanger guys, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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