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-last time on Shadow-

A tear of Donnie's made it into the mutagen, it glowed a bright golden, blinding Donnie, but that made the heart monitor start beeping again. Louisa can hear everything more clearly, and when the glowing stopped.....

No one's p.o.v

Donnie uncovered his eyes to see the retro-mutagen in perfect condition, Louisa was still in her coma "holy chalupa!" Donnie yelled out. Raph just got back from getting Chompy and his belongings, so he picked the lock to see why Donnie yelled. Donnie started getting it into a gas so he could get Louisa awake, Leo ran in once Donnie got finished. Mikey ran in after Leo, and Donnie finally sprayed Louisa with the gas, it took a moment, but it worked. Louisa's appearance slowly changed as she layed there, turning back into human, and she glowed as she changed.

Leo looked at Donnie asking "how'd you do it?!" The bros looked at Donnie, waiting for an answer "I-I don't know! I can't explain it. It was like magic!" Is all Donnie could think of, and Louisa sat up with a gasp, looking at the turtles. Raph was the first to hug the girl "h-hey guys *clears throat* what did I miss?" Was Louisa's first words. Donnie joined their hug, along with Mikey, but Leo went to get the poor girl some water. Louisa finally pushed the boys off, and that's when she seen it "I-I'm..... human!" Louisa yelled out.

Louisa had her own little victory dance, then looked at the turtles "b-but how?" Leo walked in with the glass of water "ask Donnie." Hearing that made the girl beyond ecstatic, Louisa looked at Donnie happily "you did this?" Donnie nodded his head. Louisa jumped up and hugged him, Donnie wasn't prepared, and fell on his shell, the others laughed. Raph then says "glad to see ya back short stuff" Louisa laughed and says "thanks Donnie, and it's also good to see you're back."

Louisa's p.o.v

I got up and Leo helped Donnie up, I almost forgot "hey Raph, Mikey" I motion my head to the door, they nodded, and left. I look up at the very tall turtles "for one, thanks for the water" I say and take a drink from it. Leo nods, the room got really quiet, so I say "I heard basically everything while in that coma." They both exchange a look, I side smile and say "I didn't think anyone would like me, Donnie don't worry I'd never leave. Lastly, Leo....." Leo looks at me nervously as I waited for suspense "I heard what you said while Donnie didn't hear."

Donnie looked at Leo confused, I laugh a little and say "I don't know if Donnie was sleeping, but none of the events that happened is all your fault. It's everyone's blame, we all should respect eachother more than we already do, we just got done saving New York. We went to space! I say we have grown alot, so we can learn to be more nice towards eachother. Also Donnie.... I'm sorry about what I said before.... ya know, when you seen me when I got mutated." Donnie shakes his head "it's fine-" "it's really not, I was just hurt, and felt like a monster, I thought I had no one to turn to."

They look at me with sadness in their eyes "Mikey, Raph, you can stop eavesdropping now" they walk in and say "we just heard our names." I roll my eyes and say "you guys are lucky, you have eachother to talk about this, or your other human friends. I forgot about you guys being like this, you were raised growing up like that, I just felt so....." "so shunned from the world." Raph finished for me, I nod my head "just know you always have someone to talk to. Whether it be a turtle bro" they all exchange a look of happiness "or a human friend" they all look at me.

"Sorry for always pickin on ya Don"

"I'll stay out of your lab more, if that'll make you happy!"

"Just know you're an actual appreciated member of this team....."


"*chuckles* and this family"

Donnie looks at us with tears in his eyes "I love you guys" we all group hug, that's when Casey yells "COWABUNGA!!!" It scared me. I jump from the hug and put my arms out, I heard a little high pitched scream, and someone else laugh. I furrow my eyebrows and ask "did you fall in the sewers? Take a shower? Why are you wet?" April looks at me upset. Casey turns to me saying "you basically just soaked her with water!" I look at my glass on the table. The glass is empty, I gasp "no! I'm still thirsty...." everyone, except April, laugh at my words.

"That means you still have hydrokinesis!" Donnie says and spins me around, I laugh and remembered about Wild Card's powers. Mikey, Raph, and Casey looked confused "what's hydrant-is?" Mikey asked confused. I laugh at that, but Donnie says "hydrokinesis, Mikey, hydrokinesis is the psychic ability to control and manipulate a group of atoms in water. Also influencing its flow using the power of mind." This time Raph speaks up "dumb it down a bit Don, we're not all as smart as ya" I smile at that. "I can use water with my mind, I'm not used to it, but I can try to show you, watch" I think of water getting in the glass.

Some water slowly makes it's way into the cup "woo! That's kinda hard actually, wait a minute-" I think of one of Mikey's water balloons hitting Casey. It makes it "yes!" Mikey gasps and says "you are gonna be helping me with future pranks dudette." I laugh, and Raph decides to ask "which of the two do ya like?" I look at him confused. He rolls his eyes "my brothers" I come to realization and look at the two "I've always liked Don. Leo just always felt like an understanding older bro to be honest" Leo looks down in shame, while Donnie is blushing.

April full on glares at me "you like Donnie?" She asks, I nod my head "I don't see why you're throwing a fit, you got Casey, who likes you too." They both blush and look at eachother.

"She's joking-"

"No I'm not, you guys are even in sync!"

"We are not-...... cake! Snow! Ice cream!"

"I ship it! *looks at eachother* us now? The square root of forty nine is seven! Pizza!..... hello I am your health care companion. How may I serve you today?" Me and Donnie laugh at the moment, and we just messed around for the rest of the night. We watched a few movies, but something tells me Leo isn't happy about the whole me and Donnie thing....... hopefully nothing goes wrong.

The end!

That's the end of this one, do you think I should do a sequel to this with Leo? Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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