Chapter 2

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Bai Yutang is carrying Zhan Zhao bridal style along the hallway to the infirmary. Some other students are whispering around but he doesn't care at all. On the contrary, Yutang holds his friend even tighter and closer.

"What happened?" The nurse asks as she's quite surprise to see him there in the infirmary.

"My friend had heat stroke and passed out after running 10 laps." Yutang explains and gently place Zhan Zhao on the bed.

"AGAIN!?! This is the 5th students for this week! I guess I need to beat some sense into that idiot! Can you take care of him while I go beat your teacher up?" The nurse asks Yutang.

"Sure." He replies with great delight.

Yutang gets himself a bowl of water with a small towel and sits on the side of the bed. He gently wipes Zhan Zhao's face and neck with the cool towel which he notices a faint scar on the side of his neck. At first Yutang dismiss it as injury from playing something yet the scar can be seen in other areas as well like his wrist and his body. 

'Why are there so many scars on him? What in the world happened when you disappear?' Yutang questions inwardly.

As school is already over for a while, Yutang decides to call his dad for Uncle Zhan's number.

"Hey dad, could you give me Uncle Zhan's number?"

"Sure but did something happened?" His dad asks sounding concern.

"Nothing serious, just Zhan Zhao passing out during P.E. due to the hot weather."

"Oh I see. Do you want me to call him for you?"

"No, it's okay. I'll call him myself. He might want to know more details."

"Okay, I'll text you his number."

"Thanks dad. And one more thing, can Zhan Zhao stay over tonight? It's Friday and I want to spend time with him catching up."

"Sure, just asks permission from Uncle Zhan first."

"Got it, thanks again dad."

"I'll see you guys at home."

Having his dad call is indeed easier, but Yutang would also miss the chance to ask uncle about the faint scars on Zhan Zhao's body. Maybe he'll learn something more from his uncle about the sudden disappearance of their family and especially the unconscious boy in front of him.

Uncle Zhan actually picks up after the third ring.

"Hello Uncle Zhan, this is Bai Yutang."

"Oh Yutang. It's been a while. How are you son?"

"I'm fine Uncle. I'm calling to tell you that Zhan Zhao passed out from heat stroke during P.E. and I'm with him in the school infirmary."

"Is he okay?"

"I help him cool down a little and he's still resting. I'll wake him up after a little while."

"I see, thank you Yutang."

"And uncle?"


"Can Zhan Zhao sleep over at my house tonight? Since we don't have school tomorrow, I was hoping I can catch up with him about the time that he was away."

There was a long silence. Zhan Zhao's dad is thinking whether it would be a good idea or not. But Yutang is his son's best friend.

"Uncle Zhan?"

"Oh sorry. I don't mind but you have to ask him about this. If he's okay, then he can stay over. But Yutang .... I know you want to know about a lot of things but please don't push him too hard for it."

My Lovely Friend [S.C.I Fanfiction] - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now