Chapter 5

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Upon returning back to school, both Zhan Yao and Yutang act normally as much as possible, despite Yutang's increasing possessiveness. While in class, there's not much to worry about because that girl didn't go to their class. During lunch time, Yutang makes sure to drag Zhan Yao along the hallway up to the building roof to have their lunch.

However, today Yutang has to run some errands for his father so he couldn't accompany Zhan Yao home and leaves earlier than usual. Once school is over, Zhan Yao is still in the class finishing up his homework before going home.

As not many people remains at school, the girl finally shows up. She already know where to find Zhan Yao since she secretly follows them to the roof and eavesdrop on their conversation. Soon, she finds her target sitting alone in an empty classroom. There's no hesitation in her steps implying that she's very serious this time.

"So ..... you manage to come out earlier than I thought. I was expecting you to be there for a few more days but seems that I underestimated you." The girl boldly reveals herself.

The girl name is Li Liang. According to the profile, she is just one ordinary student without anything out of the usual. Her family background is pretty good compared to the other students. All Zhan Yao and Yutang know at this point is that she probably has some crush on Yutang but then they couldn't really tell the motive behind her acts towards Zhan Yao who has just came back and doesn't even talk to many people. How could Zhan Yao have offended her?

"What exactly do you want with me?" Zhan Yao calmly asks.

"Why don't we go talk somewhere private where no one can interrupt?" Li Liang proposes.

"No, just talk right here. I don't want to follow you anywhere." Zhan Yao declines.

"Hmm? I'm not exactly asking you Zhan Yao. You don't have the choice to object me." Li Liang mocks Zhan Yao while pulling out a .38 mm gun from behind her back. "You see, if you don't follow, I'll just have to blow your head off."

This time Zhan Yao can see that the gun in her hand is real and the looks in her eyes say that she can shoot without any hesitation. So he gets up from his desk to follow Li Liang. However, she stops him before he takes a step.

"Leave your phone here. I know you already got a new one so leave it here. We wouldn't want people to be able to track us." She demands while putting the gun away.

Then she leads him through the corridor while the sky outside is already losing light and turning dark. The destination this time is the storage room next to the gym. She urges Zhan Yao to enter first which creates an opening for her to attack. With no hesitation, she hits the back of his head with the gun causing Zhan Yao to fall forward and crashes into the volleyball cart. Then she locks the door so that no one can come disturb.

"I don't understand what's so special about you. Why would Bai Yutang pays so much attention to you?"

"I've been with him since birth so, of course, I'm more special than anyone." Zhan Yao answers while trying to sit himself up against the stack of gym mats. "Outsider like you wouldn't know this."

"Shut up! I know everything about Yutang and you're definitely not part of it. He never mentioned someone like you. So stop making things up. You must have threaten him to gain his attention. Normally Yutang treats everyone equally even with me. But you!! ... when you came ..... Yutang has changed." Li Liang yells into Zhan Yao's face.

"I don't need to do anything." Zhan Yao mocks the angry girl before lowering his voice to drop the bomb. "Because Yutang is mine right from the start. You never stand a chance."

"LIAR!! Try saying it again with a gun to your head." Li Liang is so frustrated at what Zhan Yao just said and couldn't control her anger anymore.

Just then the door to the storage room busts open and several policemen barge in along with Yutang. However, Li Liang has pretty good reflex. The moment the door opens, she quickly pushes the injured Zhan Yao in front of her and aim the gun at his head.

My Lovely Friend [S.C.I Fanfiction] - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now