Chapter 6

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Today is just like any other day in the passed weeks. Starting off with going to school with Yutang, greeting everyone 'good morning' and arriving at their desk. Everything seems to be normal as usual until the homeroom teacher comes in and announces an arrival of someone the class knows of.

"Everyone settle down, I have an important thing to announce. I hope you all still remembers Feng Jie."

At the mentioned of the name 'Feng Jie', everyone turn to whisper around seemingly excited. Especially Yutang, his head snaps up from his sleepy state and suddenly becomes fully alert.

'Was he excited like this before I came into the classroom? But I would never know, would I?' Zhan Yao can only quietly watch how the event would turn out to be.

"He went overseas as an exchange student ..... and now ...... he's back!" The teacher continues the announcement excitedly and a boy enters the classroom right on cue.

The reaction of almost everyone in the class confirm that they still remember their friend. But Yutang seems to be the happiest person as he gets up from his seats and runs to the front of the class then gives the boy a tight hug in which no one in the class is surprise to see such reaction. It actually seems like they expected it to happen.

Of course, the only person who doesn't really know how to react is probably Zhan Yao. This is the first time that he's meeting this person. It makes him feel that he has missed a lot of things during his disappearance. One of the obvious thing to him, at this point, is the reaction of Yutang. He remembers that the day he returns, it wasn't like this at all.

'The first day I arrived, he only looked at me once. We become best friend again in a week. If that's the case, then this Feng Jie is most likely more than best friend since Yutang practically gives him a hug the moment he comes in.' Zhan Yao is lost in his thoughts before realizing that a special desk has been placed next to Yutang for Feng Jie to sit. Something seems to tug at his heart as he watches them happily talking without even noticing him who's on the other side. The sight he's seeing is making his heart feels weird. He couldn't help but to turn away and looks out the window to the clear sky to help make him feel a little better.

"Hey Zhan Yao let me introduce my best buddy." Yutang happily pulls his friend over. "This is Feng Jie. I just remembered that you wouldn't know him since he came when you weren't here. And this is Zhan Yao, we live right next to each other since we were kids. Wait, scratch that out. We're neighbors since we were born!"

"Nice to meet you, Zhan Yao. I feel really sorry for you to be living so close to this idiot." Feng Jie introduce himself and mocking Yutang while reaching a hand towards Zhan Yao.

"Nice to meet you too. Luckily, I wasn't there all the time." Zhan Yao shakes the hand that's extended towards him and gives Feng Jie a small smile. Yet his heart is hurt from his own words. If the kidnapping didn't happen, a lot of things would've different.

"Okay, okay, break it up. How can you make fun of the great Yutang?"

"What's so great about you?" Feng Jie continues to mock.

"Someone as dumb as you wouldn't understand my greatness." Yutang still insists.

Zhan Yao silently listens to their mocking going back and forth which make him feels that his interactions with Yutang is totally different from Feng Jie. He wonders what could make friendship differs from one another so much. Or is it because they're not really friends? Then what is their actual relationship?

The spot that's usually occupied by only Zhan Yao and Yutang for their lunch, now has another person joining the feast. 

Going home is not through their usual route as one more has joined because Yutang insist that they all go together. Along the way, Zhan Yao continues to listen to their conversation that doesn't really makes much sense to him, most likely due to the fact that they share common interest where Zhan Yao himself doesn't.

My Lovely Friend [S.C.I Fanfiction] - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now