Chapter 4

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The group cautiously approach the said abandoned building. It's a small 2-story building that has a few classrooms on the second floor and storage room on the first floor. Since it's been abandon and cover with thick tree, no light is available to help their visibility. When they arrive at the entrance, each one could only use their flashlight to get around. When the staff leading the way then step on something with a 'crack'.

It's a cell phone. More importantly, it's Zhan Yao's.

It was smashed to some degree and tossed on the floor by the entrance. Someone must have brought him here, took his phone, smashed it before tossing it away. Yutang's dad carefully picks it up with his handkerchief before putting it in a bag.

They carefully enter the building. Yutang's dad slowly climbing the stairs up to the 2nd floor while Yutang and Uncle Zhan goes together to search the 1st floor. The staff that also came is to keep watch at the entrance, in case someone runs out while the rest are inside. 

The upper floor has only 3 rooms but all were empty, so after a while, Yutang's dad comes down and help search downstairs which has many rooms. They search until reaching the 2 rooms at the end of the corridor. However, both rooms were locked. 

"We'll kick down both door at the same time." Yutang's dad suggest while the others nod in response. "Everyone be on alert."

1 ... 2 ..... 3..... Bang,

The 2 doors were knocked down at the same time which they rush inside to their respective room. Yutang carefully scan around the dark room with his flashlight until the light is cast onto a figure curl up in the far corner of the room. Yutang practically lunge forward, "Zhan Yao!"

Startle by the sudden call, Zhan Yao looks up from his curl up state. The light was on his face so he couldn't see, but the voice definitely belongs to Yutang so he didn't panic. And sure enough when the light is shone elsewhere a familiar face is present. Before Zhan Yao could move, the other boy has already hurl him up into his arms. The hold is strong yet gentle. Hidden under is also a slight tremble.

'What could possibly makes the great Bai Yutang tremble?' Zhan Yao wonders.

"Zhan Yao, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yutang asks as he lets go of the other boy and starts to scan around his body for any injuries and remove the duct tape that tied one of his leg with a bunch of table. It was so tightly wrap that Yutang has to take out his pocket knife to cut it.

"No, I'm not hurt."

"What happened? Who did this to you?"

"Zhan Yao!" Zhan Yao's dad rush forward to hug his boy. "I thought I lost you again."

'Huh? Lost you again? Doesn't this mean something like this happened before?' Yutang tries to put the missing pieces together from the things that he's hearing and closely observe Zhan Yao's reaction. And as he suspects, the mention of 'again' made him tense for a moment before it disappear.

"Could we talk about it somewhere else?" Zhan Yao tells his dad.

"Of course, let's get you out of here first." Zhan Yao's dad agrees and leads him out of the abandoned building.

At this point, Zhan Yao seems to be putting some distance between himself and Yutang. It seems that it's something that Zhan Yao doesn't want Yutang to know. But Yutang is just unsure if it is the current situation or the past situation. The worst is that Zhan Yao doesn't want him to know both of them.

Zhan Yao is taken home directly by his dad. Once they reach their house and Zhan Yao is sure that no one other than his dad and mom is around, he brings them to his room and close the door. Then he starts to reveal what just happened.

My Lovely Friend [S.C.I Fanfiction] - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now