Chapter One

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Hallo!!!! I'm new, but I'd like to dedicate this chapter to RelentlessChaos, my inspiration. She has lifted my mood and tortured my brain for three days, and I can't wait for the next chapter of Finding You!!!!!


Silvia's POV

I wasn't all that excited about my vacation to my cousin Harry's house, but my mom insisted. She was almost scary when she had made up her mind. So here I was, after 48 hours of constant denial, on a flight to London. I was 17, with long black hair that no matter how hot the curling iron was, refused to give up it's straight style, and blue eyes. Yes I know, rare, but whatever. My friends always said my eyes were my best feature, but my parents insisted it was my smile. Okay, weird much? Anyhoo, I was getting shipped off to my cousins for the summer because my mom and dad, quote-on-quote, "needed a break and some alone time". Sure. So, that's my situation.

A scared looking flight attendent asked me if I needed anything, but I just waved her away. I wasn't in the mood for food, and I wasn't thirsty. I hadn't seen my cousin since I was four, at which point he was five, and considered himself better than me. As if. We were both talented, he could sing and dance in public, I could sing when I was alone (I may have a little bit of stage fright, but whatever). We were closer than two peas in a pod. Yes, that was sarcasm. Then my dad got a job offer in the USA. I know, I know, lucky us. After a devastated Harry said goodbye to me (he was skipping along as if nothing was happening, and actually giggled when he said goodbye), we got on a plane and I haven't been back since. That was about to change.

Harry's POV

I was drinking a glass of water when my father told me Silvia was coming for the summer. Needless to say, there wasn't enough left in my mouth to swallow after that. It had been propelled onto the floor and my brand new shoes. "What!?!?!?!?" I yelled, putting down my glass with a thump. "And you're telling me this now?!?!?! When is she getting here?"

"Tonight. Don't look at me like that, young man, you haven't seen her in years." He said, catching my incredulous expression. "I know you've missed her, somewhere deep down, and I expect you to treat her with respect. She is your cousin, not some beggar in off the street." And with that, he went to bed.

I couldn't contain my anger. I punched a pillow on the couch, sending it flying across the room and into the face of Louis, who had just walked in. He fake-cried onto Liam, who had come in shortly after him. "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!!!!" He shouted at me, but I was too far gone to care. "Oh save it." I snarled, collapsing on to the couch and crossing my arms. Louis looked at me weird. "Hazza, whats wrong?" He asked, putting his arms around me. "My cousin's coming to stay." Louis wagged his eyebrows at me. "How long?" Zayn asked, and Niall pushed him. "For the summer." I replied, uncrossing my arms with a sigh. "I guess I'm just nervous, I haven't seen her since she was four and I was five." I was nervous. Not that I let that show, of course. Only to the boys.

Niall's POV

So Harry has a cousin. Thanks for trusting us with this information when we're a whole couple hours from meeting her, mate! Zayn was still glaring at me for pushing him, not that I cared. I sat down next to Harry. "Who is this cousin that you conveniently forgot you had?" I asked, nudging his shoulder a bit harder than I intended. Or he just felt like falling over. Either way, he face-planted on the couch and mumbled something that sounded like "Dilfiba" into the couch cushions. "Her name is Difiba?" I asked, barely containing my laughter. Harry lifted up his head and glared at me. "Sylvia. We weren't all that close, she was too much of a showoff for my taste." I couldn't contain my hilarity any longer. I burst out laughing. "A show off? More than you? That's an achievment." I said between breakdowns, and the rest of the lads laughed with me. Even Harry cracked a grin.

I thought Silvia couldn't possibly be all that bad if she was related to Harry. Only time would tell if I was right or wrong.

Sylvia's POV

The plane landed with a bump that jolted me out of my thoughts. I almost yelled, but I figured the other people wouldn't like that much. When the plane pulled up to the terminal, I grabbed my three suitcases and ran off the plane to a sign that said "Sylvia Locke". I waved and proceeded to fall on my face when I tripped on my own feet. Ever-graceful me. Harry grudgingly came over and helped me up. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Peachy." I mumbled, rubbing my nose. Harry took a bag, as did his dad, Edward. "Come on, the car's waiting." Harry mumbled, and I nodded. I lugged my bag to the car and put it in the trunk with the other two. Of course, weather by chance or on purpose, I was forced to sit with Harry. Great.

"You look nice." He muttered, fiddling with his jacket. I looked down at my ratty blue converse, my blue Rascal Flatts shirt, and my black skinny jeans. Yeah, very nice. Yep, sarcasm, my one great skill. "Thanks." I muttered back. "You, too." And in truth, he did. A tight grey shirt and sine blue skinny jeans, with Vans and a dark gray jacket. Enchanting. If you would go for your cousin. "So..." I said. "I hear you're the main attraction of One Direction." I was teasing him, and he knew it. Or so I hoped. He was rather dim when we last met, but I was hoping you truly gained wisdom with age. He grinned, and I grinned back. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Harry's POV

My cousin was actually quite beautiful now. I hadn't expected it. She could even pull off ratty shoes and hastily thrown on clothes. The boys would flip and there would probably be a huge argument over who liked her more. The answer: she did. Maybe not anymore, but she had been hugely full of herself when we were younger. Anyway, when she grinned, I noticed how it went all the way up to her eyes,  and didn't stop there. It lit up her whole face. It was definatly her best feature.

Niall's POV

The lads and I (minus Harry, of course) were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the cousin. I was srossing and uncrossing my ankles, Louis was bouncing up and down, Liam was being Liam, and zayn was doing his hair. Yes, I said doing his hair. I stood up and got a bag of chips, shoving them in my mouth and chewing loudly. Louis looked at me weird. "What?" I asked, eating another chip.

"You're eating again? We just left Nandos!" He said, running a hand through his hair to mock Zayn, who stuck his tongue out.I laughed at Zayn, who stuck his tongue out at me, then I nodded to Louis, who laughed. "I'm always hungry, have you not met me?" I asked, throwing a chip at him. The door opened and a girl walked in with Harry and his dad, and my jaw dropped.


What do you think? I hope you like it, as it was my first try. I hope to get the next chapter out soon, but who knows. Well, please comment and vote, it would mean the world to me! Bye!!!


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